EUROPEAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY XXI General Assembly The Hague, 6-10 May 1996 Call for Papers Session: SE19 Title: SEISMIC AND ELECTROMAGNETIC DETECTION OF FLUIDS, MAPPING ELECTRICAL CONDUCTANCE, CONDUCTIVITY AND ANISOTROPY Scope of Session: The existence of saline fluids in the upper brittle part of the crystalline crust has been demonstrated by several deep drilling experiments over the past ten years. Such fluids have been invoked to explain both seismic and electromagnetic data. Anisotropy due to alignment of cracks has been invoked to explain shear wave splitting in the upper crust. Such cracks will not generate the substantial decrease in electrical resistivity in a certain direction that has been observed several times recently worldwide. Instead it is believed that vertical paleofractures filled with fluids or other conducting phases must be called for. For the middle and lower crust it is often postulated that there is a coincidence between reflectivity onset and electrical conductivity increase. And for the upper mantle recent results indicate that very strong conductivity anisotropies may represent the effects of frozen in conductive phases. This symposium seeks to bring together scientists from the crustal seismology, rock physics and electromagnetic community in order to understand the apparently conflicting evidences obtained from these disciplines. Are these really conflicting or can they be brought together by for example an argument of the different scales involved? Name and Address of Conveners: Laust B. Pedersen Department of Geophysics, University of Uppsala, Villavaegen 16, 75236 Uppsala, Sweden Tel: +46-18-182385 FAX: +46-18-501110 E-mail: Jaume Pous Dept. Geologia Dinamica, Geofisica i Paleontologia, University of Barcelona, Zona Universitaria Pedralbes, 08028 Barcelona, Spain Tel: +34-3-4021-392 FAX: +34-3-4021-340 E-mail: Thorkild M. Rasmussen: Geological Survey of Sweden, P.O.Box 670, 75128 Uppsala, Sweden Tel: +46-18-179353 FAX: +46-18-179210 E-mail: Leonid L. Vanyan: Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasilova 23, 117218 Moscow, Russia Tel: +7-095-124-7956 FAX: +7-095-124-5983 E-mail: DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF ABSTRACTS IS 15th DECEMBER 1995 --------- Format for abstracts (see below) or corresponding ASCII files must be mailed directly to the EGS Office together with a copy to one of the Conveners. Posters are strongly encouraged and will be available for viewing throughout the whole session. Participants are advised to pre-register (before 31 December 1995) and to reserve accomodation (before 15 March 1996) to take advange of lower rates. Information and forms can be obtained from: General Information & registration: EGS Office Postfach 49 Max-Planck-Str. 1 37189 Katlenburg-Lindau Germany Tel: +49-5556-1440 Fax: +49-5556-4709 Tx: 965 515 cop d Span: nsp::linmpi::egs Internet: EGS@LINAX1.DNET.GWDG.DE Accomodation: Netherlands Reservation Centre P.O. Box 404 2260 AK Leidschendam The Netherlands Tel: +31-70-320-2549 Fax: +31-70-320-4237 Tx: 33755 nrc nl The EGS offers financial support via their Young Sciencist's Travel Award and the East European Support Award. Applications forms are available from both the EGS Office and a Convener and applications should be submitted to the EGS Office and a Convener. Applicants requiring a 'Letter of Invitation' should contact a convener. EGS ABSTRACT FORMAT Abstracts should be typed in English and prepared in camera- ready format of the size of 12.0 cm (width) x 10.5 cm (height). Abstracts that do not meet this format will NOT be processed! Use a laserprinter or a good typewriter with a plastic carbon ribbon. Since there will be a 69% size reduction, do not use a type size smaller than 10 pica points. TYPE ALL LINES FLUSH LEFT! (1) Type title of contribution in capital letters and in bold (optional). (2) Leave one blank line after the title block. (3) Type first author(s) followed directly by corresponding affiliation. Additional author(s) should be typed similarly, without blank lines between authors. Underline or "bold" the name of the author who will present the paper; this need not be the first author. (4) Leave one blank line after the author block. (5) Type text of abstract flush left. (6) Mathematical symbols should be typed in or drawn neatly in dark ink. (7) Metric (SI) symbols should be used. (8) Abstract size block should be drawn only on typing backup sheet and not on the original. Submittal Information Below the abstract please add the following information: 1. Name, full address and telephone, telex, fax and e-mail number for correspondence 2. Reference of Session for which your contribution is intended 3. Name(s) of Convener(s) to whom a copy of your abstract has been sent 4. Projection or other equipment if required in addition to standard 5. Preference for oral or poster or video presentation 6. Name of EGS Support Award if applied for MAIL ABSTRACTS TO EGS AND A CONVENER ************************************************************************** **************************************************************************