1 ST A N N O U N C E M E N T I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O N F E R E N C E " P R O B L E M S O F G E O C O S M O S " J U N E , 10 - 16 , 1996 S A N K T - P E T E R S B U R G , R U S S I A Sankt -Petersburg University, Sankt -Petersburg,Russia Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St.-Petersburg,Russia Polar Geophysical Institute, KSC, Murmansk, Russia The aim of the Conference "Problems of Geocosmos" is the summary of the results of the scientific scools and groups in the fundamental study of the physics, evolution and interaction of the geospheres and the study of the latters as a united system. The following sections will be concluded in the Conference. Section P. Paleomagnetism and rock magnetism. P1. The geomagnetic field intensity during reversals. P2. Fine structure of the geomagnetic field from lake sediments. P3. Nagnetic anisotropy of sedimentary rocks. Section C. Electroconductivity of the Earth. C1. Investigation of the crust and mantle structure by the electromagnetic metods. C2. Layers with low resistance in the crust (the comlex analysis of the geoelectric, seismic and gravimetric data). C3. Models of the global and regional distribution of the mantle conductivity under the continental crust and oceans using MVS data. C4. The development of the methods of the direct and inverse problems of the electromagnetic sounding using the natural electromagnetic field sources. Section S.Seismology. S1. The theory of the propagation of the seismic waves. S2. Seismic tomography. S3. Earthquake sources. Section M. The physics of the Sun - Earth relations. M1. The physics of the processes on the Sun and in the solar wind. M2. The interaction of the solar wind and the magnetosphere. The theory of the magnetic reconnection. M3. The physics of the magnetospheric and ionospheric plasma. M4. The influence of the solar activity on the state of the lower atmosphere. Section B. The geocosmical action on biosphere. B1. Cosmic rhythms in biosphere. B2. Methodological problems of the cause-effect connection revealing when evaluating the action on biosphere. B3. Biological effects of natural electromagnetic fields. B4. Physico-chemical processes of athmosphere and life. B5. Gravitational and geodynamic actions on biosphere. Programme Committee: V.N.Troyan - conference chairman, SPB University, Russia A.A.Kovtun - - professor, SPBUniversity, Russia M.I.Pudovkin - professor, SPBUniversity,Russia T.B.Yanovskaya - professor, SPBUniversity,Russia V.A.Shashkanov - professor, SPBUniversity,Russia O.A.Troshichev - professor, AARI, SPB, Russia E.D.Tereschenko - professor, PGI, Murmansk, Russia Organizing Commettee: Vladimir Troyan - chairman, SPBUniversity Alexsander Shirochkov - AARI,St.-Petersburg Alexsander Yahnin - PGI, Apatity Alla Lyatskaya - SPBUniversity Ludmila Porokhova - SPBUniversity Larisa Antonova - SPBUniversity Natalia Belisheva - SPBUniversity For more information, please contact the organizers: e-mail: lyatsk@space.phys.lgu.spb.su lyatsk@snoopy.niif.spb.su lnpor@snoopy.niif.spb.su anton@snoopy.niif.spb.su belish@snoopy.niif.spb.su phone : (812) 428 46 31 FAX: (812) 428 72 40 We intend to publish Abstracts and the Proceedings of talks and Posters. The invited reports are supposed. The organizers hope to get some funds for to have the possibility to invite a number of colleagues to attend the Conference. Example for the Abstract (nor more than 26 rows) presentation: Subject: Abstract at the ‘onference "Problems of Geocosmos" \documentstyle[12pt]{article} \textwidth=175truemm \textheight=240truemm \voffset=-2.5truecm \hoffset=-2.truecm \parindent 0 pt \begin{document} \newpage \section*{3--D DIFFRACTION SEISMIC TOMOGRAPHY} %\begin{center} {\bf Vladimir N. Troyan, Gennady A. Ryzhikov } \\{\sl Institute of Physics, State University, St. Petersburg, Petrodvorets, 198904, Russia} %\end{center} \bigskip According to the plan, after the launch of INTERBALL spacecraft on Aug.~3, 1995 the coordination of the ground-based program is in progress including participation in planning of spacecraft operation and its conjunctions with ground-based instruments etc, development the corresponding data base etc. Implementation of remote sensing of magnetospheric configuration resulted in the following new results: (1)~Detection of low-altitude image of magnetospheric dipolarization at substorm onset and of its sharp (about ion gyroradius) outer boundary; (2)~Mapping of azimuthally periodic auroral activations at substorm onset into the inner magnetosphere; (3)~Confirmation of local minimum of equatorial magnetic field at $\approx12\,R_e$ during steady convection events; (4)~Evidence that most of auroral proton precipitation into the ionosphere originate due to the particle scattering in the tail current sheet; (5)~New MT-index was suggested to evaluate the magnetospheric configuration. Numerical algorithm was constructed to determine magnetotail configuration based on combined data from magnetospheric and low-altitude spacecraft. Spacecraft study of plasma sheet dynamics revealed a clear evidence of magnetic reconnection at $<15\,R_e$ distance initiated before the ground-based substorm onset, also plasma bubble structures have been, for the first time, detected in the midtail plasma sheet during substorm recovery phase. \section*{References} \everypar={\hangindent=1truecm \hangafter=1} Troyan V. N., Ryzhikov G. A. Investigation of the resolving power of 3D seismic diffraction tomography. {\sl Annalyes Geophysicae}, pt.~1. Suppl. to vol.~{\bf 12}, p.~C55, 1995. Birylina M. S., Hanyga A., Ryzhikov G. A. Generalized 3--D ray tomography. {\sl Annalyes Geophysicae}, pt.~1. Suppl. to vol.~{\bf 12}, p.~C48, 1995. \end{document} \cent 1. V. N. Troyan \parindent 11pt Institute of Physics, University of St.~Petersburg, St.~Petersburg --- Petrodvorets, 198904, Russia Telephone: (000) 000 00 00 Fax: (000) 000 00 00 e-mail: \parindent 0pt 2. Section number. Title of your abstract. 3. Financial supporting : if need 5. Oral or poster The adrress for the Abstract: Porokhova L.N. St.-Petersburg University Ulyanovskaya,1 Petrodvorets St.-Petersburg 198904 Pussia OR : by e-mail: lnpor@snoopy.niif.spb.su The registration: 01 January - 01 February, 1996 The deadline for the Abstract presentation : February, 01, 1996 _______________________________________________________