Dear Colleagues: I wish to draw your attention to the following international workshop to be held in Okinawa, Japan, in February 1997. We, the organizing committee, are looking forward to your preliminary registration. Please feel free to distribute this circular to any person who may be interested. Best regards, Junzo Kasahara Chairman, organizing committee, Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables Committee for scientific use of submarine cables, Japan and US steering committee for scientific use of undersea cables February 25-28, 1997 Okinawa Convention Center, Okinawa, Japan First Circular Okinawa: Okinawa Island lies off the east coast of Asia in the southwestern most part of the Japanese island arc (Ryukyu arc). Okinawa, which is also a Japanese prefecture, consists of more than 140 islands, but only 47 of them are populated. Okinawa falls well within a nice warm temperature zone even in the winter season, and the Kuroshio current provides us a rather pleasant breezy climate and a nice subtropical atmosphere. At the southern coast of the island, a number of telecommunications cables land at the Gushikami Cable Station of Kokusai-Denshin-Denwa (KDD) Co., Ltd. A part of the commercially-abandoned TPC-2 cable, which connects Okinawa and Guam, will soon go back into service at the station for various geophysical observations. This will be one of the first attempts at reusing retired telecommunication cable systems for scientific purposes. Partial or full travel support may be available for both Japanese and non-Japanese participants upon application to the organizing committee. Schedule: Feb. 25 Arrival, and ice breaker Feb. 26 Scientific Sessions Feb. 27 Scientific Sessions, and official dinner Feb. 28 Excursion, and departure Scientific Sessions: Papers will be accepted on all topics pertaining to fundamental and technological aspects of the use of submarine cable systems for geophysical and oceanographical applications, and related scientific activities such as global observation networks, underwater acoustics, and autonomous underwater vehicles, etc. Scientific papers can be presented either orally or by poster. Exhibition of instruments is strongly recommended especially for technological papers. Further details will be announced in the second circular. Participants are requested to submit an extended abstract (6-8 pages, camera-ready) for each contribution. Registration: Those who wish to attend the workshop must register by the deadline date. There is no registration fee. Deadlines: Deadline for pre-registration is September 1, 1996. The second circular will be delivered through e-mail by the end of November 1996 to all persons who will have pre-registered. Final deadline for registration will be December 1996. The deadline for abstract submission will be announced in the second circular. Accommodation: The organizing committee plans to book Pacific Hotel Okinawa for all the participants which is located within 30 minutes' drive from the meeting place. Bus service will be available for the transportation. Excursion: After the conference, a short tour is being arranged consisting of a scenic drive around the southern part of Okinawa Island, and a visit to the observation station of the Guam-Okinawa (TPC-2) cable. Travel Information: There are two major international airports in Japan -- Narita (Tokyo) and Kansai (Osaka). Participants entering Japan through Narita must use ground transportation to Haneda airport for internal flights. There are ten flights a day between Haneda and Okinawa. Those who use the Kansai airport can transfer to a flight direct to Okinawa. Tour desk: Nippon Travel co. will have a tour desk at the conference place and the Hotel. Those who are interested in learning more about Okinawa, please contact them. Sponsors: This workshop is partly supported by the following agencies, programs and companies: -The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan -The Science and Technology Agency, Japan, -National Science Foundation (pending) -Local Government of Okinawa Prefecture (pending) -International Meetings Supporting Program of University of Tokyo -Ocean Hemisphere Program -Earthquake Research Institute (ERI), University of Tokyo -Japan Marine Science and Technology Center (JAMSTEC) This workshop will be held under the co-sponsorship of the following international societies and committees. -International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics --- International cable reuse committee, --- International Ocean Network (ION), -Ocean Engineering Society, IEEE -Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) Organizing Committee: Chairman: Junzo Kasahara (ERI, Univ Tokyo, Secretary: Hisashi Utada (ERI, Univ Tokyo, Members: Rhett Butler (IRIS,, Alan D. Chave (WHOI,, Yozo Hamano (Univ. Tokyo,, Toshihiko Kanazawa (ERI,, Masaaki Kimura (Univ. Ryukyus,, Hajimu Kinoshita (JAMSTEC,, Momoki Koga (Univ.Rhukyus, Teruki Miyazaki (GSJ,, Hiroyasu Momma (JAMSTEC,, Toshinori Sato (ERI,, Yuichi Shirasaki(KDD,, Kiyoshi Suyehiro (ORI,, Masakazu Tsuchide (Maritime Safty Agency,, Makoto Yamano (ERI, Programming committee: Rhett Butler (IRIS,, Alan D. Chave (WHOI,, Yozo Hamano (Univ. Tokyo,, Akira Hasegawa (Tohoku Univ.,, Toshihiko Kanazawa (ERI,, Hiroyasu Momma (JAMSTEC,, Kiyoshi Suyehiro (ORI, Tamaki Ura (IIS,, Hisashi Utada (ERI, ---------------------------------- cut here --------------------------------- Pre-registration Form Please return this form to the organizing committee secretariat by September 1, 1996, if you wish to receive the second circular. E-mail correspondence is appreciated, but FAX will be accepted. Name:______________________________ Affiliation:___________________________ Address:_____________________________ City:___________Postal Code__________Country_______________ TEL:___________________________ FAX:___________________________ E-mail:__________________________ Please check: __ I will present a paper. __ I will present an exhibition. Title will be (maybe tentative): I will attend the Workshop, __ without financial support. __ with partial financial support. __ with full financial support. __ I am interested in the Workshop and wish to receive the second circular. __ I am interested in the Excursion. __ I wish to have a post-conference tour. Organizing committee secretariat: Hisashi Utada Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo Yoyoi 1-1-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113 JAPAN TEL: +813-3816-3795 FAX: +813-5689-7234 e-mail: *********************************************************** UTADA, Hisashi Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo Yayoi 1-1-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, JAPAN TEL: +813-3816-3795 FAX: +813-5689-7234 ***********************************************************