DEEP CRUSTAL PROCESSES Convenors: Alan Jones (jones@cg.nrcan; (613) 992-4968) Dave Fountain (; (307) 766-6299) Walter Mooney (; (650) 329-4764) Randy Parrish (; +44-115-936-3427) Sponsors: International Lithosphere Program; GSA Geophysics Division; GAC Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; Geological Association of Canada, Canadian Geophysical Union; International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy; International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior; International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior; American Geophysical Union. How is continental lower crust formed? How does it evolve? How does it interact with its overlying upper crust and underlying mantle? These fundamental questions form the core of this session, which will bring together geologists, geochemists, and geophysicists to discuss deep crustal physical and chemical processes. Despite significant progress over the last decade, particularly in the acquisition of geological, geochemical and geophysical data, our understanding of the physical and chemical processes that operate deep within the crust of the Earth's continents is still fairly poor. Part of the problem lies in the lack of synthesis of these disparate geoscientific data. This deficit can be addressed through synergism by having a focussing symposium, with presentations by acknowledged lead geologists, petrologists, geochemists and geophysicists, followed by a theme session and a panel discussion on the same topic. The keynote symposium will start with 3 overview presentations, by leaders in their fields, on geological, geochemical and geophysical aspects of the deep crust. Following that, topical reviews will be given. On the following day, a Theme Session with the same title will allow poster and oral contributed presentations to be made. Finally, a two-hour panel-led discussion session will end the day. The DEEP CRUSTAL PROCESSES Keynote Symposium and Theme Session will consist of four parts: Wednesday 28 October AM: Keynote Symposium (K4): Invited Oral Presentations Thursday 29 October AM: Theme Session (T23): Contributed Poster Presentations Thursday 29 October PM: Theme Session (T23): Contributed Oral Presentations Thursday 29 October PM: Panel-led Discussion Session (T23) You are invited to contribute presentations to the Theme Session T23. Below is listed the working titles of the Keynote Symposium and confirmed speakers. DEEP CRUSTAL PROCESSES Pardee Symposium K4 Wednesday 28 October am Working Titles...... General Overview Talks (25 + 5 mins) ------------------------------------ Insights into deep crustal processes from a geological perspective WIKI ROYDEN (; (617) 253-1292) Insights into deep crustal processes from a geochemical perspective ROBERTA RUDNICK (; (617) 495-2829) Insights into deep crustal processes from a geophysical perspective ROY HYNDMAN (; (250) 363-6428) Topical Reviews (17 + 3 mins) ----------------------------- Fluids in the deep crust JOHN WALTHER (; (214) 768-3174) Crustal recycling BOB KAY (; (607) 255-3461) Deep crustal processes: Lessons from Tibet DOUG NELSON (; (315) 443-3626) Insights from laboratory studies on deep crustal processes NIK CHRISTENSEN (; (608) 265-4469) Crustal underplating processes JIM QUICK (; (703) 648-6900) Continental margin processes STEVE HOLBROOK (; (307) 766-2427) Geodynamic modelling: insights into deep crustal processes SEAN WILLETT (; (814) 865-3951) Crust-mantle interactions HUGH ROLLINSON NOT CONFIRMED ***sent email 17/6/98