MONDAY August 8th 8:30 OPENING CEREMONY S1-W5 CAGNIARD SYMPOSIUM ORAL SESSION Chairman: 9:00 O.05.01 1961-1994: A third of a century of magnetotellurics Dupis A. 9:15 O.05-02 An integrated TEM / Seismic approach to delineating and monitoring hydrocarbon reservoirs Hobbs B.A., Ziolkowski A.M., Wilson A.J.S. 9:30 O.05-03 Results of a MT survey in the region of the intersection of the Messajana fault and Ferreira-Ficalho overthrust in Portugal: interpretation in terms of geological, magnetic, gravity, seismic and temperature data Correia A., Jones F.W. 9:45 O.05-04 Electrical conductivity of the Lapland granulite belt - implications for properties, structure and processes of the continental middle and lower crust Korja T., Tuisku P., Pernu T. 10:00 O.05-05 The earth's crust conductive structures as an image of the ancient zones of carbonaceous tectonites at the boundaries of geoblocks and plates Feldman I.S., Ivankin P.F. 10:15 O.05-06 Integrated interpretation of the crustal conductivity model with reflection and refraction data in the great earthquake region Guodong L., Qinhui D., Chuyong W., Xiankong Z. 10:30 Break W11 NATIONAL AND/OR REGIONAL EM PROGRAMS ORAL SESSION: Chairman: 11:00 O.11-01 Causes of high crustal conductivity in an ancient suture zone Banks R.J., Livelybrooks D. 11:15 O.11-02 Magnetotelluric measurements of a paleoproterozoic collision zone Jones A.G., Ferguson I.F. 11:30 O.11-03 Magnetotelluric soundings at the German deep drilling - an integrative interpretation Eisel M. 11:45 O.11-04 How crustal processes produce high electrical conductivity anomalies - an answer from the KTB-hole. Haak V. 12:00 O.11-05 Integrated MT and gravity data interpretation along a profile in the Apennine chain Iliceto V., Santarato G. 12:15 O.11-06 Crustal Conductors in the Eastern Mid-European Variscides Schwarz G., G|rtler J., Klause R., Murasch K., Tauber S. 12:30 O.11-07 Magnetotelluric tracing of crustal isotherms under a continental volcanic system: possible implications of dihedral angle wetting Jiracek G.R., Kinn C., Scott C.L. 12:45 Lunch W12 ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS ORAL SESSION Chairman: 14:00 O.12-01 Magnetic measurements made at Brest in 1791 Lilley F.E.M. 14:15 O.12-02 On induction effects at EISCAT and IMAGE magnetometer stations Viljanen A., Kauristie K., Pajunpa K. O.12-03 Schuman Resonances in the Magnetic Field Components F|llekrug M. 14:45 POSTER SESSION (W5 W11 W12) S1-W5 CAGNIARD SYMPOSIUM P.05-01 Structural and petrological changes in the Bohemian Massif Adam A., Gutdeutsch R., Aric K. P.05-02 Magnetotelluric and seismic study of the Earth crust and Upper Mantle in the Caucasus region Feldman I.S., Okulessky B.A., Ingerov A.I., Solodilov L.N., Egorkin A.V., Kadurin I.N., Konovalov Y.F., Shempelev A.G., Trofimenko E.A. P.05-03 Magnetotelluric Measurements across an active collision zone - the south island of New Zealand Ingham M. P.05-04 Anomalous geomagnetic fields at the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif Pecova J., Praus O. P.05-05 Electromagnetic and geomagnetic investigations at the Urals Shapiro V.A., Fedorova N.V., Nikonova F.I., Dyakonova A.G. P.05-06 Combined interpretation of resistivity structure of Deccan Trap region Singh R.P. P.05-07 Conductivity and velocity of the lithosphere Ruiqing S. P.05-08 Fluids in the upper crust by geoelectrical data Vanyan L.L. P.05-09 Application of the Audio Magnetotelluric and Magnetotelluric over the Chaves Geothermal field (NE Portugal) Monteiro-Santos F.A.., Dupis A., Andrade-Afonso A.R., Mendes-Victor L.A. P.05-10 Magnetotelluric Investigation of two meteorite impact structures in Brazil Masero W., Schnegg P., Fischer G. P.05-11 Thin sheet EM model for geomagnetic induction anomalies in Frontal Himalaya and adjacent shield region and their tectonic interpretation Reddy C.D., Arora B.R. P.05-12 Intrinsic complex conductivity ambiguities of the MT Method discussed by considering independent geo-data Finzi-Contini G. P.05-13 A new contribution of electromagnetics to geodynamics: maps of the crustal conductivity at a regional scale Grandis H., Menvielle M., Roussignol M., Tarits P. P.05-14 Integration of EM and seismic studies in the Western Canada Basin Boerner D.E, Kurtz R.D., Craven J.A., Qian W. W11 NATIONAL AND/OR REGIONAL EM PROGRAMS P.11-01 Deep EM investigations in Byelorussia as part of EUROTRAVERSE Fainberg E., Andrieux P., Guirin R., Zhdanov M., Astapenko V., Ingerov A., Lapitsky A., Zinger B., Kuvshinov A., Matzander U. P.11-02 EUROPROBE geoelectrical subproject in the Carpathian arc/Pannonian basin Adam A., Haak V., Stanica D. P.11-03 Model studies for magnetotelluric and deep geomagnetic induction data in southwest Bohemia Cerv V., Pek J., Praus O., Zaja A., Manzella A. P.11-04 Result of induction study within the Pomeranian segment of the Teisseyre-Tronquist Tectonic zone Ernst T., Jankowski J., Jozwiak W., Pawliszyn J. P.11-05 Magnetotellurics in the North East German basin Hoffmann N., M|ller W., Fluche B. P.11-06 The North german massive - a prevariscian platform in the deep underground of the North german basin Hoffmann N. P.11-07 Fluid detection in the KTB from SP-log analysis Stoll J.B. P.11-08 Magnetotelluric measurements in Thuringia, Germany Boerner R.U. P.11-09 A conductive crustal layer beneath the Oberpfalz crystalline interpreted from long-offset transient electromagnetics (LOTEM) Osman A., Hoerdt A., Tezkan B., Strack K.M. P.11-10 Deep Electromagnetic soundings in Ukraine Vlasov Y.T., Ingerov A.I. P.11-11 Graphite in the earth crust and the nature of crustal anomalies of electro-conductivity on the territory of former Soviet Union Zhamaletdinov A. P.11-12 Magnetotelluric survey of structural details within a thrust belt of the Pannonian basin in Hungary Nagy Z., Hajdu G., Landy I., Thuma A. P.11-13 On the conductivity distribution in the crust and mantle in South-East Scotland Junge A. P.11-14 Magnetotelluric survey across the Blake River Group, Abitibi Subprovince, Canada Chouteau M., Zhang P. P.11-15 Long period magnetotelluric soundings on the Lithoprobe Trans Hudson Orogen Transect, Canada Ferguson I.J., Sheng Y., Jones A.G. P.11-16 A magnetotelluric survey of a massive sulphide deposit, Sudbury Structure, Ontario Livelybrooks D., Blais E., Mareshal M., Smith J.T. P.11-17 Continental-oceanic magnetotelluric transect of the southern appalachians orogenic belt Wannamaker P.E., Chave A.D., Booker J.R., Jones A.G., Unsworth M. P.11-18 Long-period magnetotelluric measurement as part of the south-east Appalachian (SEA) electromagnetic survey Booker J.R., Jones A.G., Unsworth M., Ogawa Y., Craven J., Brian R., Farquharson C., Lu X., Unsworth T., Parmelee J. P.11-19 Southeast Appalachians experiment: offshore component Filloux J.H., Chave A.G., Tarits P., Petitt R.A., Moeller H.H., Dubreule A., Petiau G., Banteaux L. P.11-20 Source complexity observed in the EMSLAB magnetometer array Egbert G.D. P.11-21 A magnetotelluric profile across the West central portion of the Basin and Range extensional terrane, USA Kinn C.L, Jiracek G.R., Park S.K. P.11-22 Broadband magnetotelluric measurements in the southern central Andes, Chile Echternacht F., Eisel M., Schwarz G., Tauber S. P.11-23 First magnetotelluric (MT) results obtained on the "Bolson de Pipanoco", a kind of heart form basin of 110 Km diameter, squeezed between four moutains chains in the north - west of Argentina . The center of it is at about 28 10' Lon S, 66 45' Lat W. Fournier H., Febrer J, Mamani M., Pomposiello C., Borzotta E., Castiglione B. P.11-24 MT studies at Antinaco-Los Colorados Valley, NW Argentina Pomposiello C., Osella A., Favetto A., Sainato C., Martinelli P., Aprea C. P.11-25 Deep electrical conductivity structure in the West and East Antarctica Kong X.R., Zhang J.J., Jiao C.M. P.11-26 The EM study on the deep structure of Kirishima Volcano Utada H., Kagiyama T., Uyeshima M. P.11-27 Electrical conductivity structure around Unzen volcano Uyeshima M., Yamamoto T., Utada H., Kagiyama T. and MT Research Group of Unzen Volcano P.11-28 A combined EEJ and geomagnetic induction analysis Rigoti A., Chamalaun F.H., Trivedi N.B., Padilha A.L. W12 ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS P.12-01 Are the decade fluctuations in geomagnetic westward drift of external origin ? Duhau S. P.12-02 Magnetotelluric study in the Betic Ranges (southern Spain): Preliminary results Pous J., Marcuello A, Garcia X., Ledo J. P.12-03 Strike angle determination of a volcanic zone at the NW of Argentina Sainato C.M., Pomposiello M.C. P.12-04 New developments on the way to higher resolution AMT Ritter O., Dawes G., Nascimento D. P.12-05 S.P.A.M. Mk III: A low-power, networked geophysical data acquisition and processing system Nascimento D., Dawes G., Ritter O. P.12-06 Equipment and a method of physical modelling of electromagnetic fields in nonhomogeneous media Tatishvili O.V., Odilavadze D.T. P.12-07 The estimation of accuracy of the one-dimensional interpretation of results of the magnetotelluric method's application Tatishvili O.V., Odilavadze D.T. 17:30 DISCUSSION on S1-W 5 , W11 , W12 18:30 END SESSION TUESDAY August 9th W6 ELECTROMAGNETIC SIGNATURE OF MANTLE DYNAMICS ORAL SESSION Chairman: 8:30 Review on Electromagnetic Signature of Mantle Dynamics Raval U. (invited) 9:00 O.06-01 Long Period Electromagnetic Response of the Earth with Particular Reference to Heterogeneity of the lower Mantle Yamazaki H., Honkura Y., Matsushima M. 9:15 O.06-02 On the heterogeneity in the geoelectrical structure of mid-mantle from regional magnetovariational sounding using MAGSAT data Abramova Y.D. 9:30 O.06-03 Inference of three dimensional upper mantle structures from equatorial geomagnetic daily variations data Duhau S., Magenta G., Martinez E. 9:45 O.06-04 A new stochastic process on the sphere: application to characterization of long-period, global scale, external sources Egbert G.D. 10:00 O.06-05 Electrical conductivity structure of the lithosphere and asthenosphere of volcanic zones in Kamchatka Moroz Y.F. 10:15 O.06-06 Computation of electromagnetic induction anomalies across the Aegean subduction system Galanopoulos D., Hutton V.R.S., Hobbs B.A., Lagios E. 10:30 Break W7A NEW METHODS FOR MODELLING AND INVERSION ORAL SESSION Chairman: 11:00 O.7a-01 On 3-dimensional inverse problem of electromagnetic field Martyshko P.S. 11:15 O.7a-02 Magnetotelluric Inversion Using Modified RRI Method Takasugi S., Lee.K.H. 11:30 O.7a-03 Electromagnetic imaging method: inverse transformation from a diffusive to a propagative field Tournerie B., Gibert D., Virieux J. 11:45 O.7a-04 Boundary Integral Modelling and Application to the electromagnetic tomography Ngakosso E., Straub A. 12:00 O.7a-05 Three-dimensional linearized inversion using a perturbation expansion around a uniform spherical earth Pritchard G.M., Schultz A., Everett M.E. 12:15 O.7a-06 Approximate sensitivities for the electromagnetic inverse problem Farquharson C.G., Oldenburg D.W. 12:30 Lunch 14:00 O.7a-07 3D modelling of transient EM data Engels O.G., Eckard M. 14:15 O.7a-08 Numerical modelling of geoelectrical fields in complex 3-D gradient media Kostyanev S.G. 14:30 O.7a-09 Two and three dimensional induction modelling on massivelly parallel supercomputers MacDonald K.J., Argawal A.K. 14:45 O.7a-10 Nonlinear optimisation strategies in electromagnetic inversion Schultz A., Everett M.E., Pritchard G., Smith J.T. 15:00 POSTER SESSION (W6 , W7B) W6 ELECTROMAGNETIC SIGNATURE OF MANTLE DYNAMICS P.06-01 Magnetovariational sounding of the Earth from MAGSAT magnetic field data Rotanova N.M. P.06-02 Estimations of the mid-mantle conductivity at russian territory Semenov V.Y., Kharin E.P. P.06-03 On the detectability of the highly conductive layer in the upper mantle beneath the Black Forest Tezkan B. P.06-04 Geomagnetic depth sounding and the electrical conductivity of crust and upper mantle in Eastern North China Zhang G., Shen N., Aubert M. P.06-05 Conductivity discontinuities in the upper mantle beneath a stable craton Schultz A, Kurtz R.D., Chave A.D., Jones A.G. P.06-06 Deep electromagnetic investigations at the south of Turanian Plate Avdeev D.B., Dubrovsky V.G., Fainberg E.B., Pankratov O.V., Zinger B.S. P.06-07 Deep electrical conductivity structures in Central Italy Bozzo E., Gambetta M. P.06-08 A lithospheric model inferred from Sq data and anomalous heat flow in the south Peruvian and Argentine subduction zones Favetto A., Martinelli P., Osella A. P.06-09 Resolution of deep conductivity structure along the Lincoln line in the EMSLAB project. Golubev N.G., Sokolova E.Y., Varentsov I.M., EMSLAB group P.06-10 Effect of crustal and mantle conductivity heterogeneities on satellite magnetic data (MAGSAT and OERSTED) Tarits P. P.06-11 Calculation of C-Responses for 1/30 to 1/2 cpd (Dst) Olsen N. W7A NEW METHODS FOR MODELLING AND INVERSION P.7a-01 Inversion for regional 2-D resistivity structure in the presence of galvanic scatterers deGroot-Hedlin C. P.7a-02 Inversion of two-dimensional EM data finite difference method Rastogi A., Gupta P.K., Niwas S. P.7a-03 Iterative-asymptotic methods for inversion of multidimensional MT data Barashkov A.S. P.7a-04 An appropriate electromagnetic induction theory in low latitudes for 3-dimensional earth models Oni E.A. P.7a-05 Modeling and inversion of EM-34 data in two and three dimensions Gomez-Trevino E., Mendez-Delgado S., Perez-Flores M.A. P.7a-06 Cross-Well electromagnetic inversion using integral and differential equations Newman G.A. P.7a-07 High-frequency asymptotic imaging of diffusive electromagnetic signals Virieux J., Flores C., Gibert D. P.7a-08 Migration of 2-D Magnetotelluric Data Wei S., Wang J. P.7a-09 Analytic Continuation and Migration in Geoelectric Imaging Zhdanov M., Traynin P., Portniagune O. P.7a-10 MT 1-D inversion method using Markov chain algorithm Grandis H., Roussignol M., Menvielle M., Villemin T., Dupis A. P.7a-11 The curve comparison method of MT inversion for one-inversion continuous medium Xu S., Bin L. P.7a-12 MT data inversion: stable optimization methods and interactive graphics Golubev N.G., Varentsov I.M. P.7a-13 The indeterminess of the solution of the inverse problem for magnetotelluric sounding by an efficient linearization technique Porokhova L.N., Azovtseva N.V. P.7a-14 Advanced method of numerical modelling in 3D DC earth sounding problem Bakhmutsky M.L. P.7a-15 A 3D finite difference modelling algorithm for DC geoelectricity using conjugate gradients methods Spitzer K. P.7a-16 Electromagnetic induction in inhomogeneous earth allowing displacement currents and IP effects. Forward problem solution with the use of modified Neumann series Pankratov O.V., Avdeev D.B., Kuvshinov A.V. P.7a-17 An extension of the classical solution from d'Erceville & Kunetz to anisotropic resistivity Grubert D. P.7a-18 Two dimensional induction modelling - fine grain or coarse grain parallelisation MacDonald K.J., Wilson A.J.S. P.7a-19 An FD algorithm for numerical modelling of magnetotelluric fields in 2-D anisotropic structures Pek J. P.7a-20 Investigation of E-polarisation frequency response characteristics by lumped circuit analogies Weidelt P. P.7a-21 Algorithm for computer modelling of the airborne EM- fields over 3D geoelectrical structures Spichak V., Fomenko E. P.7a-22 Some discretizing effects with model calculations for geoelectrics, using finite differences Rodmann H. P.7a-23 A parallel implementation of conjugate gradient methods over a network of Unix-based workstations Argawal A.K., Weaver J.T. P.7a-24 Mathematical model of anisotropy for boundary value problems Tabarovsky L.A. P.7a-25 Geomagnetic induction in the heterogeneous spherical earth: a polyhedral element approach Everett M.E., Schultz A. P.7a-26 Transformation of the 3-D induction problem on a spherical earth to an equivalent cartesian problem Smith J.T., Everett M.E., Schultz A. P.7a-27 Electromagnetic induction in a spherical earth with inhomogeneous conducting mantle. Thin sheet forward problem Kuvshinov A.V., Pankratov O.V. P.7a-28 Unitary minimization transform M|ller W. P.7a-29 On the normalization of two-dimensionality criteria M|ller W. P.7a-30 MT ratio and impedance concept Chauveau J. 17:30 DISCUSSION on W6 and W7A 18:30 END SESSION 18:30 - 19:30 Wine and Cheese in Poster Area THURSDAY August 11th W2 OCEANIC ELECTROMAGNETIC STUDIES ORAL SESSION Chairman: 8:30 Review on Oceanic Electromagnetic Studies Palshin N. (invited) 9:00 O.02-01 Seafloor observation of EM field in the Tsushima Basin of the Japan Sea Ichikita T., Utada H., Isezaki N. 9:15 O.02-02 The Relation of Seafloor Voltages to Ocean Transports in north atlantic circulation models Flosadottir A.H., Larsen J.C., Smith J.T. 9:30 O.02-03 Geo-electromagnetic monitoring of water interchange through the Bering Strait Shneyer V.S., Trofimov I.L., Korotaev S.M., Lapitsky A.I., Kuvshinov A.V., Vanyan L.L. 9:45 O.02-04 A controlled Source Electromagnetic Investigation of a Magmatically Active Segment of the Reykjanes Ridge MacGregor L.M., Sinha M.C., Constable S.C. 10:00 O.02-05 Magnetotelluric sounding beneath the northeast Pacific ocean using an abandoned submarine telephone cable Lizarralde D., Chave A.D., Hirth J.G., Schultz A., Lanzerotti L.J. 10:15 O.02-06 Model study of Natural Source EM on Mid Ocean Ridges Jegen M., Edwards R.N. 10:30 O.02-07 Generalized causal analysis and its employment for electromagnetic studies in the Ocean Korotaev S.M., Serdyuk V.O. 10:45 Break W7B MODELLING AND INVERSION OF DATA ORAL SESSION Chairman: 11:15 O.7b-01 Magnetotelluric sounding in the presence of fluidized faults Berdichevsky M.N, Dmitriev V.I. ,Kulikov V.A. 11:30 O.7b-02 The detection of anisotropy by electrical methods Edwards R.N., Yu L. 11:45 O.7b-03 A simple magnetotelluric imaging method and its application to data from geothermal areas Gomez-Trevino E., Esparza F.J., Perez-Flores M.A., Flores C., Romo J.M. 12:00 O.7b-04 A method of interpretation of the MTS phase curves Vlasov Y.T., Ingerov A.I. 12:15 O.7b-05 Modelling and Inversion of seafloor magnetotelluric data Heinson G.S., White A. 12:30 O.7b-06 Multi-Sheet Numerical Technique for Galvanic Effects Modelling Yegorov I.V., Palshin N.A. 12:45 Lunch 14:00 O.7b-07 Magnetic distorsion in GDS: separation of local and regional information by hypothetical event analysis Ritter P., Banks R. 14:15 O.7b-08 A theoritical investigation of the effect of a small surface anomaly on induction vectors and the impedance tensor Pu X., Argawal A., Weaver J. 14:30 O.7b-09 A thin sheet numerical study of the electromagnetic field over geometrically complex high conductivity structures Szarka L., Menvielle M, Tarits P, Adam A. 14:45 O.7b-10 Decomposition considering impedance tensor confidence limits Junge A. 15:00 POSTER SESSION (W2, W7B) W2 OCEANIC ELECTROMAGNETIC STUDIES P.02-01 EMSPACOM : ElectroMagnetic study of the Pacific Asthenospheric Conductor and Oceanic Mass Transport - Part II: Oceanographic results Heinson G.S., Toh H., White A., Segawa J. P.02-02 Magnetic fields generated by motional induction in the Tasman Sea Lilley F.E.M. P.02-03 A model for tidal induced telluric currents in Northern Germany Junge A. P.02-04 Numerical survey of the On-Shore Monitoring of the Norwegian Coastal Current Palshin N.A., Vanyan L.L., Kaikkonen P. P.02-05 Numerical modelling of the electromagnetic field induced by the sea currents flowing in the Bering strait. Avdeev D.B., Kuvshinov A.V., Pankratov O.V., Shneyer V.S., Trofimov I.L. P.02-06 Experimental study of electric fields and currents induced by surface waves in shallow water Medhzitov R.D., Reznikov B.Y. P.02-07 Results of observations of the electric fields of sea internal waves Medzhitov R.D., Reznikov B.Y. P.02-08 MT analysis of electrical potential variations on the two submarine cables in the Philippine Sea Fujii I., Utada H. P.02-09 Dependence of resolution of MT sounding using a submarine cable on its length Vanyan L.L., Repin Y. P.02-10 Causal analysis and its application to the motionally induced electromagnetic field Korotaev S.M., Arushanov M.L. P.02-11 Application of Causal analysis to variable electromagnetic field in the Ocean Korotaev S.M., Hachay O.A. P.02-12 Employment of causal analysis to the processes of diffusion of electromagnetic field in the ocean Korotaev S.M., Serdyuk V.O., Hachay O.A. P.02-13 Use of the magnetotelluric principles for the marine magnetic survey Fonarev G.A. P.02-14 The thin-sheet and 2D modelling of the deep electromagnetic soundings in Aegean-Balcan region Abramova L.M., Shneyer V.S. P.02-15 Induction in the oceans by Sq and DsT variations, as seen from geomagnetic observatories on land and at the seafloor. Schmucker U. P.02-16 EMSPACOM : ElectroMagnetic Study of the pacific Asthenospheric Conductor and Oceanic Mass transport - Part I: Magnetotelluric Results Toh H., Heinson G.S., White A., Segawa J. P.02-17 Seafloor Magnetotellurics across the Reykjanes Ridge North Atlantic Ocean White A., Heinson G.S., Constable S.C. P.02-18 Two-dimensional Electrical Conductivity Structure Across the Southern Coastline of Australia White A., Heinson G.S. P.02-19 A Transient Electromagnetic investigation of the TAG hydrothermal mound Cairns G., Evans R., Edwards R.N. P.02-20 Seafloor MT for Petroleum Exploration Constable S., Hoversten M., Morrison F., Orange A. P.02-21 Modelling of dipole-dipole sounding of the 2-layer seafloor Vanyan L.L., Jattieva Z. P.02-22 Influence of Vertical Anisotropy on the Sea Floor Controlled-Source Sounding Vanyan L., Palshin N.A. W7B MODELLING AND INVERSION OF DATA P.7b-01 Interpretation of Induction Arrow Responses in New Zealand Chen J, Dosso H.W, Chamalaun F., McKnight D. P.7b-02 A 3D electrical resistivity model of the region of the intersection of the Messajana fault and Ferreira-Ficalho overthrust in Portugal Correia A., Jones F.W. P.7b-03 COMMENI-2 project: further comparison of 3D modelling results Golubev N.G., Krylov V.A., Varentsov I.M., Zhdanov M.S. P.7b-04 The importance of topographic corrections on MT Response data from rough regions of Anatolia G|rer A., Ilkisik O.M. P.7b-05 Interpretation of induction arrow responses in the south- west Nigeria region Kang S., Dosso H.W., Ogunade S.O. P.7b-06 Model interpretation of the Goettingen D-anomaly Peter C. P.7b-07 Modelling of geomagnetic deep soundings in the northeast of Germany Ritter E. P.7b-08 Comparative analysis of the three-dimensional conductivity models of the Tasmania island based on the synthetized MT-data Spichak V.V., Lewis R.J. P.7b-09 Interpretation of the deep electromagnetic soundings with MHD-source "Khibiny" on the Baltic Shield Velikhov Y., Zhamaletdinov A P.7b-10 Simulated Annealing and imaging Northwest India Conductors Prasad S.N. P.7b-11 A Three-dimensional magnetotelluric investigation of the California Basin and Range Mackie R.L., Madden T.R., Park S.K. P.7b-12 2-D Modeling of the geoelectrical structure in the area of the deep focus Vrancea earthquakes (Romania) Stanica D. P.7b-13 Non-uniform thin sheets above a layered anisotropic halfspace Schmucker U. P.7b-14 Analogue model studies of induction effects at auroral electrojet region Viljanen A., Szarka L., Szalai S., Pirjola R. P.7b-15 Magnetometer array study: new scheme of observations, reconstruction of the components, and feasible applications Avdeev D.B., Kuvhinov A.V., Pankratov O.V. P.7b-16 MT-soundings in mountains Berdichevsky M.N., Trapeznikov T.Y., Ingerov A.I., Borisova P., Golubtsova N. P.7b-17 Electric and magnetic field galvanic distorsion tensor decomposition: application to BC87 data Chave A.D., Jones A.G., Smith J.T. P.7b-18 Rotational invariants of the magnetotelluric impedance tensor Fischer G. P.7b-19 Modelling and inversion of EMD profile data Hjelt S.E., Pirtijorvi M. P.7b-20 Airborne Resolution model Studies Raiche A., Sugeng F. P.7b-21 Static shift of resistivity curves caused by calibration signal to magnetotelluric field misfit Popov A.M. P.7b-22 2-D interpretation of magnetotelluric data complicated with mistakes Porokhova L.N. P.7b-23 Finite difference TEM modeling for axi-symetrical structures Yu. L., Edwards R.N. 17:30 DISCUSSION on W2 and W7B 18:30 END SESSION 18:30 - 19:30 Wine and Cheese in Poster Area FRIDAY August 12th W1 ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATION ORAL SESSION Chairman: 8:30 Review on Environmental Application of Electromagnetic and Electrical Techniques Nobes D. (invited) 9:00 O.01-01 VLF data: Inversion and interpretation at the site- investigations scale. Beamish D. 9:15 O.01-02 Two-dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric data at Sumikawa geothermal field and its implication for reservoir exploration Uchida T., Mitsuhata Y. 9:30 O.01-03 3.D Resistivity Forward Modeling and Inversion Using Conjugate Gradients Zhang J., Mackie R.L., Park S.K., Madden T.R. 9:45 O.01-04 Constraining seismic parameters on a Quaternary overburden with the Controlled-Source Audio Magnetotelluric method Schnegg P.A. 10:00 O.01-05 Contribution of spontaneous potential measurements in space and time to the comprehension of geomaterial alteration processes Morat P., Le Mouel J.L., Rennert B. 10:15 O.01-06 Detection of electrochemical time effects in pulluted sand and soil samples Muschietti M., Losito G., Trova A. 10:30 Break W9 CHARACTERIZATION AND CORRECTING FOR CULTURAL NOISE ORAL SESSION: Chairman: 11:00 Review on Characterization of and Correcting for Cultural Noise Junge A. (invited) 11:30 O.09-01 Long term monitoring of the electrotelluric field in the french alps Hautot S., Maron C., Perrier F. 11:45 O.09-02 Robust processing for removing train signals from magnetotelluric data in central Italy Larsen J., Mackie R.L., Madden T.R., Fiodelisi A., Manzella A., Rieven S. 12:00 O.09-03 EM reponse of cultural conductors Qian W., Boerner D.E. 12:15 O.09-04 Interpretation of the MT data from the Tangshan industrial interference area Zhang H., Zhao Y., Qian F., Qian W., Qin X. 12:30 Lunch W13 (W3+W10) BOREHOLE AND CONTROLLED SOURCE STUDIES ORAL SESSION: Chairman: 13:45 Review on Electric and Electromagnetic Borehole Measurements Spies B. (invited) O.13-01 Tunnel and borehole radar surveys for mining applications in Subdury, Ontario Livelybrooks D., Fullagar P.K. 14:30 O.13-02 Numerical evaluation of through casing resistivity Strack K.M, Tabarovsky L., Tamarchenko T., Zinger B. 14:45 O.13-03 Inversion of controlled-source tensor magnetotelluric data for a layered earth with azimuthal anisotropy Li X., Pedersen L.B. 15:00 P.13-04 3-D finite difference modelling to evaluate the applicability of TEM for hydrocarbon reservoir description Hoerdt A., Vozoff K. 15:15 POSTER SESSION (W1, W9 and W13) W1 ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATION P.01-01 Magnetotelluric study of the deep aquifers in the Senegal basin Chouteau M., Giroux B., Ritz M., Descloitres M. P.01-02 An integrated Electrical Resistivity-Short seismic Refraction for delineating the quaternary water Occurences in the Southern part of the Nile Hassaneen A.G., Abu El-Ata A.S.A. P.01-03 Electromagnetic mapping of saline contamination from a brine pit: effect of buried pipes on time - and frequency - domain measurements. Ferguson I.J., Taylor W.J. P.01-04 Controlled Source Audiomagnetotelluric Mapping - An application to the surrounding of waste deposits Maurer H.M. P.01-05 A joint application of radio-magnetotellurics and transient electromagnetics to the investigation of a waste deposit in Cologne (Germany) Zacher G., Tezkan B., Neubauer F.M., Hoerdt A., Greinwald S., Mueller I. P.01-06 Time Domain Electromagnetic Migration (TDEMM) in waste sites characterization. Zhdanov M.S., Traynin P., Portniagune O. P.01-07 Applications of 2D EM Inverse Modelling to Environmental problems Beamish D., Perez-Flores M.A. P.01-08 Correcting for field polarization effects in MT-VLF resistivity mapping Tabbagh A., Guirin R., Meheni Y., Benderitter Y., Andrieux P. P.01-09 Sondage MT avec dipoles de 30 Km en Abitibi Langlois P., Chouteau M., Zhang P., Bolduc L. P.01-10 Electrical potential on a tree. A measurement of the sap flow ? Morat P., Le Mouel J.L., Granier A. W9 CHARACTERIZATION AND CORRECTING FOR CULTURAL NOISE P.09-01 Pipeline effects on transient electromagnetics Hanstein T., Hoerdt A. P.09-02 Incoherent noise in magnetotelluric soundings Popov A. P.09-03 Effects of DC electric railway noise on MT measurement in the San Francisco Bay area Siripunvaraporn W., Egbert G.D. P.09-04 Cultural conductor distortion of EM fields Qian W., Boerner D.E. P.09-05 Time and space relation of the ELF (AMT) signal and noise Adam A., Szarka L. P.09-06 Separating signal from noise using multiple-station MT data Egbert G.D. P.09-07 The study of MT data processing techniques using synthetic time series (the COMDAT project) Sokolova E.Y., Svetov B.S., Varentsov I.M. P.09-08 Characterization of EM noise caused by DC electrified railways Santarato G., Spagnolini U., Iliceto V. P.09-09 A trial to estimate MT parameters in Izu Peninsula with severe cultural noise Uyeshima M., Ogawa Y., Utada H., Koyama S. W13 (W3+W10) BOREHOLE AND CONTROLLED SOURCE STUDIES P.13.01 First field results with the "Arlett" 3-Component Frequency EM system Bourgeois B. P.13-02 EM Constraints on the deformation history of the Sudbury structure Boerner D., Milkerit B., Wu J., Katsube T.J. P.13-03 Application of Radio Tomography to Exploration of Massive Sulphide Deposits : Field Trials in the Sudbury Basin, Ontario Zhang P., Fullagar P.K. P.13-04 2.5-dimensional frequency domain electromagnetic modeling for well-logging applications Tamarchenko T., Tabarovsky L. P.13-05 Numerical Focusing of Induction Logging Measurements Zhou Q., Beard D., Tabarovsky L. P.13-06 Interpretation of Central-Loop TDEM-Data from the Makhtesh Ramon area, Israel, using 2.5-D and 3-D forward modeling Helwig S.L., Goldman M., Hoerdt A. P.13-07 Preliminary report on a deep transient EM experiment in the Northern part of Miyagi Prefecture, Northeastern Japan Kanda W., Utada H., Mishina M., Sumitomo N. P.13-08 Interpretation of LOTEM data over a dipping anisotropic halfspace Schoenfelder T., Hoerdt A., Maurer H.M., Strack K.M. P.13-09 Application of the CSAMT method for the prospecting of oil and gas fields in Dneprovsk Donetz depression Vlasov Y.T., Ingerov A.I. P.13-10 Method of weigth substraction of gradients in geoelectrometry Sapuzhak Y.S. 17:30 DISCUSSION on W1, W9 and W13 (W3+W10) 18:30 END SESSION SATURDAY August 13th: W4 SEISMO-ELECTRIC-MAGNETIC EFFECTS ORAL SESSION: Chairman: 8:30 Review on Seismo-Electric-Magnetic Effects Park S. (invited) 9:00 O.04-01 Apparent resistivity and SP variation related to stress induced stimulation over metric network Morat P., Le Mouel J.L., Pride S. 9:15 O.04-02 Electroseismic wave phenomena Pride S. 9:30 O.04-03 Monitoring of changes in the electric and magnetic fields in a seismically active area in the Izu Peninsula, Japan Honkura Y., Oshiman N., Matsuhima M. 9:45 O.04-04 On seismic resistivity changes recorded at Abratsubo, Central Japan Yoshino T., Utada H., Yukutake T. 10:00 O.04-05 Anomalous effects in low frequency telluric field before large earthquakes in Kamchatka Moroz Y.F. 10:15 O.04-06 Magnetotelluric studies in Killari earthquake area - detection of a subsurface electrical conductor. Sarma S.V., Harinarayana T., Virupakshi G., Murhy D.N., Veeraswamy K. 10:30 O.04-07 Earthquake prediction practice in Uzbekistan based on geomagnetic-geoelectric observations Shapiro A.V.,Muminov M.Y. , Abdullabekov K.N. 10:45 Break W8 ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCKS: LAB and IN SITU ORAL SESSION Chairman: 11:15 Review on Electrical Properties of Rocks: Laboratoriy and In Situ Jiadong Q. (invited) 11:45 O.08-01 Point-defect confusion in olivine Constable S., Duba A.G. 12:00 O.08-02 Increase of electrical conductivity with pressure in freshly cored metamorphic rock: indication of solid phase conductors Duba A.G., Shankland T.J., Mathez E.A., Nover G., Heikamp S. 12:15 O.08-03 Textural properties of solid phase conduction in crustal rocks Shankland T.J., Duba A., Peach C., Mathez E. 12:30 O.08-04 Electrical conductivity of partially molten dunite: the transition from an interconnected (porous) to a channelized melt distribution Wanamaker B.J., Daines M., Roberts J.J., Duba A.G. 12:45 Lunch 14:00 O.08-05 Frequency dispersion of conductivity in two-phase model of rocks Svetov B.S. 14:15 O.08-06 Electrical conductivity of crustal rocks : model and experiment Nover G., Heikamp S. 14:30 O.08-07 On the electrical conductivity of graphite bearing lower crustal rocks from the Serre San Bruno, Calabria (south Italy) Jvdicke H., Dreismickenbecker N., Giese P. 14:45 O.08-08 Determination of hydraulic permeability by complex conductivity measurements Weller A. 15:00 POSTER SESSION (W4 and W8) W4 SEISMO-ELECTRIC-MAGNETIC EFFECTS P.04-01 Ultralow frequency (0.001-5 Hz) electromagnetic emission generated by the Earth's crust and its pratical applications Krylov S.M., Nikiforova N.N., Sobolev G.A., Levine I. P.04-02 The temporal changes in apparent resistivity by MT associated with strong earthquake nearby Zhang Y., Xialing L., Haijin A., Yulan S., Mei J., Wusi Z. P.04-03 Changes in transfer functions with time in the Issyk- Kul seismic region Abramova L.M. P.04-04 Magnetotelluric studies in a seismic region of Central Italy Meloni A., Palangio P., Marchetti M., Ernst T., Teisseyre R., Marianiuk J. P.04-05 Correlation between local seismic activity and magnetotelluric variations Rozluski C. P.04-06 Coseismic Georesistivity effect associated with the M7.8 Tangshan earthquake of 1976 Zhao Y., Fuye Q. P.04-07 Study of the electromagnetic field in the seismogenic Antilles arc - example of Guadeloupe archipelago Zlotnicki J., Rossignol J.C., Le Mouel J.L., Yvetot P., Perdereau L. P.04-08 Continuous monitoring of the electromagnetic field in Thessaly (Central Greece) in order to identify electric earthquake precursors Vargemezis G., Zlotnicki J., Tsokas G.N. P.04-09 Passive electromagnetic monitoring of geodynamical processes Balandina S.E. P.04-10 Stress-induced zones of anomalous resistivity around an active dip-slip fault: computer method Onyedim G.C. P.04-11 Marine electromagnetic station for the study of earthquake precursors Korepanov V. W8 ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCKS: LAB and IN SITU P.08-01 Annual variation of the water saturation of a highly porous rock driven by a seasonal temperature variation and measured by an array of electrodes Morat P., Le Mouel J.L., Nover G., Will G. P.08-02 Decomposition of the conductivity: fraction of the high conductive phase and connectivity Bahr K. P.08-03 Mg2Geo4: a model for the electrical conductivity anomaly in the transition zone of the earth mantle Goenna (Von der) J., Nover G., Will G. P.08-04 Studies on poor and highly conducting crustal rocks - lithological causes and modellisation Heikamp S., Nover G., Will G. P.08-05 Complex electrical resistivity behavior of hyaline and crystalline rock samples studied at simulated physical conditions Losito G., Trova A. 17:00 DISCUSSION on W4 and W8 18:00 CLOSING CEREMONY 18:30 END SESSION