Surname First Name Country Affiliation Adress Tel/Fax/E-mail ABRAMOVA LUDMILA RUSSIA "Institute of Geoelectromagnetic Investigations of Russia, Academy of Science (RAN) -IGEMI-IFZ " "PO box 30, 142092,Troitsk, Moscow region,pc.142092" 70953340906/ ADAM ANTAL HUNGARY Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute "H-9401 Sopron, POB 5" AGARWAL ASHOK CANADA "Departament of Physics&Astromomy and School of Earth&Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria" "Victoria, B.C., pc V8W 3P6" 250721-7768/2507217715/ ANDRIEUX PIERRE FRANCE Paris 6 University "4 place Jussieu 75252, Paris Cedex 05" 33144274592/33144274588/ ARIYIBI EMMANUEL NIGERIA Department of Physics Obafemi Awolowo University city Ile-Ife ASIMOPOLOS LAURENTIU ROMANIA Geological Institute of Romania " 78344 1, Caransebes Str, Bucharest 32" 401-2241530/401-2240404/ AVDEEV DIMITRY RUSSIA "Geoelectromagnetic Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences / IGEMI-IFZ " "Troitsk, Moscow Region, pc.142092" 7095334-0906/7095339-0466/ BABA KIYOSHI JAPAN "Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University" "Yoyoi 1-33, Inage-ku, Chiba, pc.263-8522" 81-43-290-2854/+81-43-290-2859/ BADEA EUGENE U.S.A. Halliburton Energy Services "2135 Hwy. 6 South, Houston, Tx, 77077" BAHR KARSTEN GERMANY "Institute of Geophysic, University of Goettingen" "Herzberger Landstr.180, 37075 Goettingen" 49551397452/49551397459/ BALANDINA SVETLANA RUSSIA "Geoelectromagnetic Research Institute of the United Institute of the Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences / IGEMI-IFZ " "p.o.b.30, Troitsk, Moscow region, pc.142092" 70953340906/70953340906/ BALASIS GEORGE GREECE "Solid Earth Physics Institute, Univ. of Athens" "Panepistimiopolis, Zografos, Athens, pc.GR 15784" BANKS ROGER U.K. "University of Edinburgh, Departament of Geology and Geophysics, Grant Institut," " West Mains Road,Edinburgh, pc EH 93JW" 44-131-6504913/44-131-6683184/ BARSOUKOV PAVEL RUSSIA "Institute of Physics of the Earth,RAS / IGEMI-IFZ " "Korovinskoe sh. 6-2-65 Moscow 127486, ???? Troitsk" (095)906-0931/(095)334-0906/ BERDICEVSKY MARK RUSSIA "Moscow State University, Geophysical Department" "Stroiteley 6 kor 6 kv 15, Moscow 117311 " 095-9302722/095-9394963/ BOGRIS NIKOLAOS GREECE "Solid Earth Physics Institute, Univ. of Athens" "Panepistimiopolis, Zografos, Athens, pc.GR 15784" (301)7284734/(301)7257597/ BORDEI L. ROMANIA Insitute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy "19-21,J.L.Calderon Str.,Bucharest, R070203" BRASSE HEINRICH GERMANY "Freie UniversitSigmat Berlin, Fachrichtung Geophysik" "Malteserstr.74-100, Berlin, pc.12249" 49-30-7792434/49-30-7758056/ BROWN COLIN IRELAND "Applied Geoph.Unit, National University of Ireland," Galway 353-91-524411x2691/353-91-525700/ CAIRNS GRAEME FRANCE "Universite de Bretagne Occidentale,IUEM, UMR ""Domaines Oceaniques""" "Place Copernic, Plouzane, pc. 29280" (33)0298498709/(33)0298498760/ CERV VACLAV CZECH REP. "Geoph. Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic" "Bocni II/1401, Prague 4, pc CZ-14131" 420267103354/420271761549/ CHAVE ALAN U.S.A. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution "Woods Hole, Massachusetts, pc.02543" 508-289-2833/508-457-2183/ CHERYAUKA ARVIDAS RUSSIA Institute of Geophysics / IG SO RAS "3, Pr. Koptyug, Novosibirsk, pc.630090" 73832333432/73832333432/ CIOCOIU N. ROMANIA Insitute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy "19-21,J.L.Calderon Str.,Bucharest, R070206" CONSTABLE STEVEN U.S.A. Scripps Institution of Oceanography IGPP-0225 La Jolla P.c.CA92093-0225 1-619-5342409/1-619-5348090/ CONSTANTIN A.P. ROMANIA National Institute for Earth Physics "76 900 Bucharest, Magurele, p.o. box MG2" CUCU GABRIELA ROMANIA Geological Institute of Romania " 78344 1, Caransebes Str, Bucharest 43" DAUTEL STEPHAN GERMANY "University of Cologne,Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology, Exploration Geophysics " "Godesbergerstr.10, K/ln, pc. 50968" 49-221-470-5476/49-221-470-5481/ DAVID CORNEL ROMANIA S.C. Prospectiuni S.A. "Caransebes 1,78344, Bucuresti 32" DE GROOT-HEDLIN CATHERINE U.S.A. "Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego" "9500 Gilman Drive-Dept.,Mail Code 0230, La Jolla,CA 92093-0225" (619)534-2313/(619)534-5332/ DE TARSO LUIS MENEZES PAULO U.S.A. UERJ - Departamento de Geologia Aplicada DEMETRESCU CRISAN ROMANIA Insitute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy "19-21,J.L.Calderon Str.,Bucharest, R070204" DENNY PATRICK GERMANY "Geophysics Student, GeoForschungZentrum Potsdam" ", D-14473" 493312881254/493312881235/ DI MAURO DOMENICO ITALY Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica - Rome "Via di Vigna Murata, Rome, p.c.00143" DJATIEVA ZALINA RUSSIA "P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences / SIO RAS" "36 Nakhimovsky Avenue, Moscow, 117851 " 7-095-124-7965/7-095-124-5983/ DOBRICA V. ROMANIA Insitute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy "19-21,J.L.Calderon Str.,Bucharest, R070205" DUBA AL GERMANY "Bavarian GeoInstitut, UniversitSigmat Bayreuth" " p.c. D-95440, Bayreuth" 490921553746/ DUMITRICA CRISTINA ROMANIA Geological Institute of Romania " 78344 1, Caransebes Str, Bucharest 32" "," DUMITRICA ANGELA ROMANIA "Insitute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy, " "19-21,J.L.Calderon Str.,Bucharest, R070202" ECHTERNACHT FRIEDRICH GERMANY "PostDoc, GeoForschungZentrum, Posdam" "Telegrafenberg, pc. D-14473" 493312881254/493312881235/ EGBERT GARY U.S.A. "College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University" "Ocean Admin Bldg.104, Corvallis OR, pc.97331-5503" 541-737-2947/541-737-2064/ EISEL MARKUS U.S.A. "Oregon State University, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences" Oceanography Administration Building 104 Corvallis p.c.97332 5417372426/5417372064/ EL-QADY GAD JAPAN "Kyushu University, Faculty of Engineering,Mining Dept., Geophysical Exploration Lab." "6-10-1, Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, city Fukuoka, pc. 812-81" "81(0)92-642-3643/81(0)92-642-3614/,," ENESCU DUMITRU ROMANIA National Institute for Earth Physics "76 900 Bucharest, Magurele, p.o. box MG2" 401-7897620/ ENESCU BOGDAN D. ROMANIA National Institute for Earth Physics "76 900 Bucharest, Magurele, p.o. box MG2" "401-7897620/, " ENGELS MARTIN SWEDEN "Department of Earth Science, Uppsala University" "Villavagen16, S-75236, Uppsala" 46184713327/4618501110/ ERNST TOMASZ POLAND "Institut of Geophysics Polish, Academy of Sciences" "Ks. Janura 64, Warsaw, pc. OI-453" 4822-6915751/4822-6915961/ ESPARZA FRANCISCO MEXICO CICESE/Earth Sciences "Km 107 Carr. Tijuana-Ensenada, city Ensenada, B.C., pc. 22830" (52-61)744502/(52-61)750559/ FAVETTO ALICIA ARGENTINA "Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires - Conicet Ciudad Universitaria" Pab. 1 - 1428 - Buenos Aires FELDMAN IGOR RUSSIA Associated Institute for High Temperatures RAS "13/19 Izhorskaya str., Moscow, pc.127412" 70959256763/70959247126/ FILLOUX JEAN U.S.A. "Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego" "Mail Code 0230, La Jolla,CA 92093" 6194530749/6195340704/ FLOSADOTTIR AGUSTA U.S.A. University of Washington "VISAO/PMEL Box 357941, Seattle, pc.WA98115" 1-206-526-6807/1-206-526-6744/ FOMENKO ELENA RUSSIA Geoelectromagnetic Research Institute RAS / IGEMI-IFZ "City:Troitsk, Moscow region,p.c. 142092, P.O.B.30" 70953340906/no/ FUELLEKRUG MARTIN GERMANY "UniversitSigmat Frankfurt , Institut f^nr Geophysik " Feldbergstr.47 Frankfurt/Main p.c. D-60323 0049-6979823959/00496979823280/ FUJI-TA KIYOSHI JAPAN "Departament of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kobe University" "1-1 Rokkodaicho, Nada, Kobe, pc.657-8501" 81-78-302-5337/81-78-302-5337/ FUJII IKUKO JAPAN "Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo" "1-1-1, Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, pc. 113-0032" 81-3-3818-6359/81-3-3812-9417/ FUJINAWA YUKIO JAPAN Nat. Res. Inst. Earth Science and Disaster Prevention "Tennodai 3-1, Tsukuba-shi, pc. 305-0006" 81298511611/81298562795/ FURNICA CORNELIA ROMANIA Geological Institute of Romania " 78344 1, Caransebes Str, Bucharest 32" 401-2241530/401-2240404/ FURNICA VALENTIN ROMANIA Insitute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy "19-21,J.L.Calderon Str.,Bucharest, R070201" GALITCHANINA LARISA RUSSIA Geological Institute of the Kola Science Centre of RAS / IG KNC RAS Appatity GARCIA XAVIER SPAIN "Departament de Geologia Dinamica i Geofisica, Universitat de Barcelona" "Marti i Franques s/n, Barcelona, Spain, pc. 08028" 34-934021373/34-934021340/ GATZEMEIER ALEXANDER GERMANY "Institute of Geophysics,University of Goettingen," " Herzberger Landstrasse 180, pc 37075" 49(0)551-397491/49(0)551-397459/ GHARIBI MEHRAN SWEDEN "Department of Earth Science, Uppsala University" "Villavagen16, S-75236, Uppsala" 46184713322/4618501110/ GOTO TADANORI JAPAN "Department of Environmental Earth Sciences, Aichi Univ.of Education" "Hirosawa 1, Igaya-cho, city: KARIYA p.c.448-8542" 81566262651/81566262651/ GRAMMATIKA NAFSIKA FRANCE "UBO-IUEM, UMR ""Domaines Oceaniques""" "Place Copernic, Plouzane, pc. 29280" 330298498748/330298498760/ GREER ANTHONY U.K. "Bullard Laboratoires, University of Cambridge" "Madingley Rise, Madingley RD, Cambridge, pc. CB3 0EZ" 44-1223-337183/44-1223-360779/ GROOM ROSS CANADA PetRos EiKon Incorporated "Georgetown, Ontario" GUOZE ZHAO CHINA "Institute of Geology, Seismological Bureau of China" "Beijing, pc. 100029" 861062009065/861062050634/ GURK MARKUS SWITZERLAND "Geomg. Group, Univ.Neuchatel," " Rue de I'Observatoire58,P.c.CH2000" 41328898821/41328896281/ HARINARAYANA TIRUMALACHETTY INDIA National Geophysical Research Institute "NGRI, Uppal Road, Hyderabad p.c.500 007" 91-40-7170141/91-40-7171564/ HAUGER MANFRED SOUTH AFRICA Council for Geoscience "Room D518, CP X112, Pretoria, pc.0004" 27128411417/27128411424/ HAUTOT SOPHIE FRANCE "UBO-IUEM, UMR ""Domaines Oceaniques""" "Place Copernic, Plouzane, pc. 29280" (33)0298498748/(33)0298498760/ HEINSON GRAHAM AUSTRALIA "Flinders University,School of Earth Sciences" ", GPO Box 2100, Adelaide SA 5001" 61882012607/61882012676/ HITCHMAN ADRIAN AUSTRALIA "Australian National Univ., Research School of Earth Sciences (ANU) " "Canberra, ACT 0200" 61-2-62493424/61-2-62490738/ HOENIG MARK GERMANY Institut f^nr Geophysik der Georg-August-UniversitSigmat " Herzberger Landstr. 180, pc D-37075, Goettingen" 49(0)551-54-1071/49(0)551-39-7478/ HOERDT ANDREAS GERMANY "University of Cologne,Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology" "Albertus Magnus Platz, Koeln, pc. 50923" 49-221-470-5477/49-221-470-5481/ HONKURA YOSHIMORI JAPAN Departament of Earth and Planetary Sciences "Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1 Ookayama, Tokyo, pc. 152-8551" 81357342341/81357343537/ INGEROV OLEXANDR UKRAINE "Geoph. Research Laboratory ""Slavuta"", Leading Expert for electromagnetic investigation" "33 Karl Marx Ave., Dniepropetrovsk, pc. 320044" 380-562-47-67-17/380-562-47-67-77/ IONESCU C. ROMANIA National Institute for Earth Physics "76 900 Bucharest, Magurele, p.o. box MG2" IVANOV ANA ROMANIA Geological Institute of Romania " 78344 1, Caransebes Str, Bucharest 32" 401-2241530/401-2240404/ JANKOWSKI JERZY POLAND "Institut of Geophysics Polish, Academy of Sciences" "Ks. Janura 64, Warsaw, pc. OI-452" 4822-6915950/4822-6915961/ JANTOS CHRISTIANE GERMANY Institute of Geophysics "University of Goettingen, Herzberger Landstrasse 180, pc 37075" 49551397454/49551397459/ JEGEN MARION U.K. "Institute of Theoretical Geophysics, University of Cambridge" "Downing Street, Cambridge, pc. CB2 3EQ" 01223-333367/44-1223-333450/ JEZWIAK WALDEMAR POLAND "Institut of Geophysics Polish, Academy of Sciences" "Ks. Janura 64, Warsaw, pc. OI-454" 4822-6915754/4822-6915961/ JIRACEK GEORGE U.S.A. San Diego State University "Departament of Geological Sciences, San Diego, California, pc 92182-1020" (619)5945160/(619)5944372/ JIUPING CHEN AUSTRALIA "CRCAMET, School of Earth Sciences, Macquarie Universty" "E5A, Level 3,North Ryde, NSW2109" JONES ALAN CANADA Geological Survey of Canada (Dr.) " 1Observatory Crescent, Ottawa, Ontario, p.c. K1A OY3" 1-613-992-4968/1-613-992-8836/ JORDING ALEXANDER GERMANY "Institut f^nr Geophysik, UniversitSigmat M^nnster" "Corrensstr. 24, M^nnster, p.c. 48149" 49-251-8334732/49-251-8336100/ JUNGE ANDREAS GERMANY "UniversitSigmat Frankfurt , Institut f^nr Meteorologie und Geophysik " "Feldbergstr.47, Frankfurt am Main, pc D-60323" 49(0)69-79824899/49(0)69-79823280/ KANDA WATARU JAPAN "Sakurajima Volcano Research Center, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University" "Yokoyama, Sakuraujima, city Kagoshima, pc.891-1419, " 81992532058/81992534024/ KOBZOVA VALENTINA UKRAINE Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics NASU "Naukova str.3b, Lviv, p.c.290601" KORJA TOIVO FINLAND Geological Survey of Finland POB 96 FI-02151 Espoo 358205502530/3582055012/ KOTOK VALERY RUSSIA "Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research (TRINITI), 142092, Troitsk, Moscow Reg." "Vernadskogo prospect, 95-2-267, Moscow, pc.117526" 0954337574/0953345776/ KOYAMA TAKAO JAPAN "Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo" "1-1-1, Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, pc. 113-0032" "81-3-3812-2111,ext5681/81-3-3812-9417/" KULIK S.N. UKRAINE Institute of Geophysics of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences KULPER JOHN SOUTH AFRICA Council for Geoscience "Room E601 CP X112, Pretoria, pc.0002" 27128411446/27128411424/ KURAS OLIVER GERMANY Institut f^nr Geophysik der Georg-August-UniversitSigmat " Herzberger Landstr. 180, pc D-37075, Goettingen" 49(0)551-39-7469/49(0)551-39-7459/ KUVSHINOV ALEXEI RUSSIA "Geoelectromagnetic Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences / IGEMI-IFZ " "Troitsk, Moscow Region, pc.142092" 7095334-0906/7095339-0466/ LABENDZ DANIEL GERMANY "Institute of Geophysic, University of Goettingen" "Herzberger Landstr.180, 37075 Goettingen" 49551397469/49551397459/ LARSEN JIMMY U.S.A. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration " 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115, USA" LEDO JUANJO CANADA Department de Geologia Dinamica i Geophysica( Now at Geological Survey of Canada) "1 Observatory Crescent Ottawa, Ontario Canada P.c. K1A 0Y3 Country Canada" 613-9928242/613-9928836/ LEIBECKER JOERG GERMANY "Institute of Geophysics, University of Goettingen" " Herzberger Landstrasse 180, pc 37075" 49551397454/49551397456/ LEMONNIER CAROLE FRANCE Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre "5 Rue Descartes, Strasbourg, pc. 67084" 33(0)388416471/33(0)388616747/carole@?????/ LEZAETA PAMELA GERMANY "Freie UniversitSigmat Berlin, Fachrichtung Geophysik" "Maltesersrt. 74-100, Berlin, pc.12249" 49-30-7792867/49-30-7758056/ LILLEY TED AUSTRALIA "Australian National Univ., Research School of Earth Sciences (ANU) " "Canberra, pc ACT 0200" 61-2-62493406/61-2-62490738/ LISIN ANATOLY RUSSIA "Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research (TRINITI), 142092, Troitsk, Moscow Reg." "Tsentralnaya, 14-35, Troitsk, pc. 142092" 0953340436/0953345776/ LOSITO GABRIELA ITALY "Civil Engineering Department,Applied Geophysical Laboratory, Florence University" "Via di S. Marta, 3 I-50141, Firenze" 39-(0)55-47.96.323/39-(0)55-495333/ MacGREGOR LUKY U.K. "Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Bullard Laboratories" ", Madingley Road, Cambridge, cp CB30EZ" 44122333783/441223360779/ MADARASI ANDRAS HUNGARY Eotvos Lorand Geophysical Institute of Hungary Kolumbusz U. 17-23 Budapest P.c. H-1145 3611637438/3611637256/ MAGUNIA ARNFRIED GERMANY Institute for Meorology and Geophysics Feldbergstr.47 Frankfurt/M p.c. D-60323 0049-6979824908/00496979823280/ MARCUELLO ALEX SPAIN "Departament de Geodinamica i Geofisica, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Geologia" "Marti i Franques s/n, Barcelona, Spain, pc. 08028" 34-934021394/34-934021340/ MARQUIS GUY FRANCE Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre "5 Rue Descartes, Strasbourg, pc. 67084" 33(0)388416486/33(0)388616747/ MARTAKOV SERGEY RUSSIA Institute of Mathematics / IM SO RAS "4, Prosp. akad. Koptyuga, Novosibirsk, pc. 630090" 73832332987/73832332598/ MARTANUS ELENA RUSSIA "Geoelectromagnetic Research Institute of the United Institute of the Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences / IGEMI-IFZ" "p.o.b.30, Troitsk, Moscow Region, pc.142092" 7-095-3340906/7-095-5371904home/ MARTINELLI PATRICIA ARGENTINA "Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires - Conicet Ciudad Universitaria" Pab. 1 - 1428 - Buenos Aires 54-1-782-1007/54-1-782-7647/ MARTYSHKO PETER RUSSIA Institute of Geophysics / IG UO RAS Amundsen str. 100 Ekaterinburg p.c.620016 73432678883/73432678872/ MATSUO KOICHI JAPAN Japan National Oil Corporation "2-2, Hamada 1-Chome, Mihama-Ku, city Chiba, pc. 261-0025" 81-43-2769252/81-43-2724062/ MEDZHITOV RENAT RUSSIA "P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences / SIO RAS" "Nakhimovsky prospekt 23, Moscow, pc.117218" 7-095-532-1601/7-095-532-1601/ MENVIELLE MICHEL FRANCE Centre d'Etude des Environnements Terrestre et Planetaires "4 Avenue de Neptune, F-94107 Saint Maur des Fosses Cedex" 33169156739/33148894433/ MICU M. ROMANIA S.C. Prospectiuni S.A. "Caransebes 1,78344, Bucuresti 32" MITSUHATA YUJI JAPAN Geological Survey of Japan 1-1-3 Higasi City:Tsukuba p.c.305-8567 81298543588/81298543533/ MONTEIRO SANTOS FERNANDO PORTUGAL Universidade de Lisaboa "R. Escola Politecnica, 58, Lisboa, pc. 1250" fax:351-1-395-3327/ MOROZ YURY RUSSIA Assistant Director of the Institut of Vulcanic Geology and Geochemistry / IVGG DVNC RAS "Piip ave., 9,Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, pc.683006" 4150058293/4150059130/ MRZYGLOD TOMASZ POLAND Geophysical Exploration Company "UL. Jagiellonska 76, Warsaw, pc. 03-301" 48228112556/48228112519/ sau MULLER ANDREAS GERMANY "GeoForschungsZentrum, Posdam" "Telegraphenberg F-423, pc.14473" 493312881271/493312881235/ MUNEKANE HIROSHI JAPAN "Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo" "1-1-1, Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, pc. 113-0032" 81-3-3812-2111(Ext.5741)/81-3-3812-6979/ MURRAY IAN CANADA PetRos EiKon Incorporated "Suite 5, Notrhview Centre, 211 Guelph St., Georgetown, Ontario, p.c. L7G 5B5" 905-877-0366/905-877-7942/ NEGOITA V. ROMANIA Insitute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy "19-21,J.L.Calderon Str.,Bucharest, R070207" NEWMAN GREGORY U.S.A. Sandia National Labs. "MS-0750, p.o.b. 5800 Albuquerque, NM, p.c. 87185" 5058448158/5058447354/ NISHIDA YASUNORI JAPAN "Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University" "N8 W10, Kita-ku Sapporo, p.c. 060-0810" 81-11-706-3826/81-11-746-2715/ NISTOR HORIA ROMANIA Geological Institute of Romania " 78344 1, Caransebes Str, Bucharest 32" 401-2241530/401-2240404/ NITICA CONSTANTIN ROMANIA Geological Institute of Romania " 78344 1, Caransebes Str, Bucharest 32" "," OETTINGER GUIDO GERMANY "GeoForschungsZentrum, Posdam" "Telegraphenberg, Bereich 2/3, pc.14473" 493312881257/493312881235/ OGAWA TSUTOMU JAPAN "Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo" "1-1-1, Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, pc. 113-0032" "81-3-3812-2111,ext.5681/81-3-3812-9417/" OLSEN NILS DENMARK Danish Space Research Institute "Juliane Maries Vej 30, DK-2100, Copenhagen" 4535325732/4535362475/ OSELLA ANA ARGENTINA "Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires - Conicet Ciudad Universitaria" Pab. 1 - 1428 - Buenos Aires PADILHA ANTONIO BRASIL INPE "CP 515, S.J.Campos, pc. 12201-970" 55123456807/55123456810/ PALSHIN NICK RUSSIA "Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences / SIO RAS" "36 Nakhimov Avenue, Moscow, 117851 " 7-095-1247965/7-095-1245983/ PANKRATOV OLEG RUSSIA "Geoelectromagnetic Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences / IGEMI-IFZ " "Troitsk, Moscow Region, Troitsk, pc.142092" 7095334-0906/7095339-0466/ PEK JOSEF CZECH REP. "Geoph. Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic" "Bocni II/1401, Prague 4, pc CZ-14132" 420267103320/420271761549/ PELLERIN LOUISE U.S.A. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory "1 Cyclotron Road, Mail Sop 90-1116 Berkley, CA P.c.94720" 01510486-5026/01510486-5686/ PEREZ-FLORES MARCO MEXICO CICESE/Earth Sciences "Km.107 Carr. Tijuana-Ensenada City: ENSENADA, B.C. p.c.22830" 5261744502/5261750559/ PERRIER FREDERIC FRANCE DASE/LDG "Bruyeres-Le-Chatel, p.c.F-91680" 33169266269/33169267023/ PETHO GABOR HUNGARY "University of Miskolc, Dept.of. Geophysics" "Miscolc-Egyetemvaros, p.c.H-3515" 3646565000*1126/3646361936/ PETROVA IRINA RUSSIA PhD. Student in St. Petersburg State University "Ulyanovskaya, 1, Research Institute for Physics, St. Petersburg, pc.198904" 78124284342/78124287339/ PINA DE ALMEIDA EUGENIO PORTUGAL Instituto Polit Quinta do Contador-Estrada da Serra City:Tomar P.c.2300 35149328198/35149328197/ PIRJOLA RISTO FINLAND "Finnish Meteorological Institute, Geophysical Research Division" Helsinki P.c. FIN-00101 POB 503 358-9-19294652/358-9-19294603/ PIRTTIJARVI MARKKU FINLAND "University of Oulu, Department of Geophysics" "Linnanmaa, P.O.Box 333, Oulu, pc.FI-90570" 358-8-5531409/358-8-5531414/ POE BRENT GERMANY "Bayerisches Geoinstitut, UniversitSigmat Bayreuth" "Universitaetstrasse 30, Bayreuth, pc. D-95440" 49921553734/49921553769/ POPOV ANATOLY RUSSIA " Institute of the Earth's Crust, Siberian Division of the RAS / IZK SO RAS" Irkutsk POPOVA IRINA RUSSIA Geoelectromagnetic Research Institute RAS / IGEMI-IFZ "City:Troitsk, Moscow region,p.c. 142092, P.O.B.30" 70953340906/70966014400/ POROKHOVA LUDMILA RUSSIA Research Institute for Physics at St. Petersburg State University "Ulyanovskaya, 1, St. Petersburg, pc.198904" 78124284342/78124287339/ POUS JAUME SPAIN "Departament de Geodinamica i Geofisica, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Geologia" "Marti i Franques s/n, Barcelona, Spain, pc. 08028" 34-934021392/34-934021340/ PRINSLOO JANINE SOUTH AFRICA Council for Geoscience "Room B630, CP X112, Pretoria, pc.0003" 27128411195/27128411424/ QUERALT PILAR SPAIN "Departament de Geodinamica i Geofisica, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Geologia" "Marti i Franques s/n, Barcelona, Spain, pc. 08028" 34-934021392/34-934021340/ RAICHE ART AUSTRALIA "CRC for Australian Mineral Exploration Technologies,Earth Sciences, Macquarie Universty" " State NSW, pc 2109" 6128509284/6128508633/ RITTER EBERHARD GERMANY GeoForschungsZentrum Posdam "Adolf Schmidt Observatory for Geomagnetism, Lindenstr.7, Niemegk, pc.D-14823" 493384362417/493384362423/ RITTER OLIVER GERMANY "GeoForschungsZentrum, Posdam" "Telegraphenberg, pc. D-14473" 493312881257/493312881235/ RITTER PATRICIA GERMANY "GeoForschungsZentrum, Posdam" "Telegraphenberg, pc. D-14474" ROBERTS JEFFERY U.S.A. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory "7000 East Avenue, P.o.Box 808 L-201, Livermore, p.c. 94551, CA" 925-422-7108/925-423-1057/ ROKITIANSKY IGOR UKRAINE Institute of Geophysics "POB-338/7, Kiev, p.c.146, " (380044)4743251/ ROY KALYAN KUMAR INDIA "Indian Institute of Technology, Professor of Geophysics, Departament of Geology and Geophysics" "Kharagpur 721302, West Bengal" (0091)(03222)(55221-4)(4822)Office(4822)Res.(7822)/(0091)-(03222)-55303/ RYBIN ANATOLY KYRGYZ REPUBLIC "Experimental Methodical Electromagnetic Expedition of the Institute for High Temperatures Association, RAS (EMEE, IVTAN-Ass., RAS)" "p.c.720049, Bishkek-49, IVTAN" 3312-219-616/3312-219-373/ SAINATO CLAUDIA ARGENTINA "Catedra de Fisica, Facultad de Agrnomia, UBA" "Av. San Martin 4453, p.c.1417, Buenos Aires" SAPUZHAK YAROSLAV UKRAINE Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics NASU "Naukova str.3b, Lviv, p.c.290601" SARAEV ALEXANDER RUSSIA St. Petersburg State University "7/9 Universitetskaya nab , p.c.199034" 81221812/2180792/ SASAI YOICHI JAPAN "Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo" "1-1-1, Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, pc. 113-0032" 81-3-3812-2111/81-3-5689-7234/ SATOH HIDEYUKI JAPAN "Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University" N 10 W 8 Kita-ku Sapporo p.c. 060-0810 81-11-706-3527/81-11-746-2715/ SCHMUCKER ULRICH GERMANY "Planckstrasse 19, Goettingen, pc. D-37-37" 0551-46727 SCHNEGG PIERRE SWITZERLAND "Geomg. Group, Univ.Neuchatel," " Rue de I'Observatoire58,P.c.CH2001" 41328896870/41328896281/ SCHWALENBERG KATRIN GERMANY "Geoph. student, GFZ Potsdam, " "Telegrafenberg, Potsdam, pc14473" 493312881256/493312881235/ SEMENOV VLADIMIR POLAND "Institut of Geophysics Polish, Academy of Sciences" "Ks. Janura 64, Warsaw, pc. OI-455" 4822-6915753/4822-6915961/ SHANKLAND THOMAS GERMANY "Bayerisches Geoinstitut, UniversitSigmat Bayreuth" " Bayreuth, pc.D95440" 490921553726/490921553769/ SHARMA SHASHI PRAKASH FINLAND "University of Oulu, Department of Geophysics" "Linnanmaa, p.o. box 333, Oulu, p.c.FI-90570" 358-8-5531417/358-8-5531414/ SHEVTSOV ALEXANDER RUSSIA Geological Institute of the Kola Science Centre of RAS / IG KNC RAS Appatity SHIMELEVITCH MICKHAIL RUSSIA Moscow Geology Proispecting Academy "Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 22, Moscow, pc.103001" 70954154957/70952020475/ SIMPSON FIONA GERMANY Institute of Geophysics "Institut fur Geophysik, Universitaet Goettingen, Postfach 2341, Goettingen, pc. 37013" 49551397454/49551397459/ SINEUX STEFAN FRANCE Centre d'Etude des Environnements Terrestre et Planetaires "4 Avenue de Neptune, F-94107 Saint Maur des Fosses Cedex" 330145114151/330148894433/ SINGH AJAY KISHORE INDIA "Indian Institute of Technology, Departament of Geology and Geophysics (Dr.)" "Kharagpur 721302, West Bengal" (0091)(03222)(55221-4)(4822)/(0091)-(03222)-55303/ SINHA MARTIN U.K. "Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Bullard Laboratories" " Madingley Road, Cambridge, cp CB30EZ" 441223360779/441223360774/? SIRIPUNVARAPORN WEERACHAI U.S.A. Oregon State University "COAS Bldg 104, Corvallis, pc.97331" 5417372904/5417372064/wsiripun@oce.orst.? SMIRNOV MAXIM YURIEVICH RUSSIA "Institute of Physics, Physics of the Earth dep.," "St.Petersburg, Ulyanovskaya 1, Petrodvorets, p.c.198904" 428-46-26/429-71-40/ SOARE ANDREI ROMANIA Geological Institute of Romania " 78344 1, Caransebes Str, Bucharest 32" SOKOLOVA ELENA RUSSIA "Geoelectromagnetic Research Institute of the United Institute of the Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences/IGEMI-IFZ" "p.o.b.30, Troitsk, Moscow Region, Troitsk, pc.142092" 70953340906/70954230187home/ SOYER WOLFGANG GERMANY Institut f^nr Geophysik der Georg-August-UniversitSigmat " Herzberger Landstr. 180, pc D-37075, Goettingen" 49(0)551-39-7478/49(0)551-39-7459/ SPITZER KLAUS GERMANY Geowissenschaftliche Gemeinschaftsaufgaben "Stilleweg 2, Hannover, pc.30655" 49511-643-3490/49511-643-3665/ STANICA MARIA ROMANIA Geological Institute of Romania " 78344 1, Caransebes Str, Bucharest 32" 401-2241530 /401-2240404 / STANICA DUMITRU ROMANIA Geological Institute of Romania " 78344 1, Caransebes Str, Bucharest 32" 401-2241530 /401-2240404 / STEFANIUK MICHAK POLAND University of Mining and Metallurgy "Al. Mickiewicza 30, Cracow, pc. 30-059" 4812-6172424/4812-6332936/ STEFLEA VLADIMIR ROMANIA Geological Institute of Romania " 78344 1, Caransebes Str, Bucharest 32" STETTLER EDGAR SOUTH AFRICA Council for Geoscience "Room B633, CP X112, Pretoria, pc.0001" 27128411193/27128411424/ STIEFELHAGEN WILHELM HUNGARY Geodetic and Geoph. Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Csatkai E. u. 6-8.POB 5. Sopron pc H-9400 36-99-314290/36-99-313267/ STOLL JOHANNES GERMANY "Institute of Geophysics,University of Goettingen," " Herzberger Landstr. 180, pc D-37075" 49(0)551-397466/49(0)551-397459/ STRACK KURT MARTIN U.S.A. Western Atlas Logging Services (Dr.) "10205 Westheimer, Houston, p.c.77077" 713-9726547/713-9726565/ SUGENG FRED AUSTRALIA "CSIRO-CRCAMET,School of Earth Sciences, Macquarie Universty" "E5A/340 , pc NSW2109, Ryde" 61298509283/61298508366/ SZARKA LASZLO HUNGARY Geodetic and Geoph. Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Csatkai E. u. 6-8.POB 5. Sopron pc H-9400 36-99-314290/36-99-313267/ TAKAKURA SHINICHI JAPAN Geological Survey of Japan 1-1-3 Higasi City:Tsukuba p.c.305-8567 81298543587/81298543533/ TANIMOTO KENGO JAPAN Graduate School of Science Hokkaido University N 10 W 8 Kita-ku Sapporo p.c. 060-0810 81117063527/811117462715/ TARIS PASCAL FRANCE "UBO-IUEM, UMR CNRS ""Domaines Oceaniques""" "Place Nicolas Copernic, Plouzane, pc. F-29280" 330298498763/330298498760/ TAUBER SEBASTIAN U.K. "University of Edinburgh,Departament of Geology and Geophysics, Grant Institut, " " West Mains Road,Edinburgh, pc EH 16.5.QN" 44-131-6508511/44-131-6683184/ TEZKAN BULENT GERMANY "Institut f^nr Geophysik und Meteorologie, UniversitSigmat zu K/ln" "Albertus - Magnus - Platz, K/ln, pc. 50923" 49-221-4703386/49-221-4705198/ TOH HIROAKI JAPAN "Ocean Research Institute, Univ. of Tokyo" "1-15-1, Minamidai, Nakano-ku, Tokyo, pc 164-8639" 81353516432/81333773293/ TRAVASSOS JANDRY U.S.A. Lamont-Doherty Observatory "61 Rt 9W, Palisades, NY, pc. 10964-8000" 001-914-356-8826/001-914-365-2312/ TRIQUE MICHAEL FRANCE DASE/LDG "Bruyeres-Le-Chatel, p.c.F-91680" 0033169266741/0033169267023/ UCHIDA TOSHIHIRO JAPAN Geological Survey of Japan 1-1-3 Higasi City:Tsukuba p.c.305-8567 81298543587/81298543533/ USHIJIMA KEISUKE JAPAN "Kyushu University, Faculty of Engineering" "36, Hakozaki, city Fukuoka, pc. 812" 81926423639/81926423639/ushijima@mine.kyushu-u.a?? UTADA HISASHI JAPAN "Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo" "1-1-1, Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, pc. 113-0032" 81-3-3818-5096/81-3-3812-9417/ UTSUGI MITSURU JAPAN "Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University" N 10 W 8 Kita-ku Sapporo p.c. 060-0810 81-11-706-3527/81-11-746-2715/ UYESHIMA MAKOTO JAPAN "Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo" "1-1-1, Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, pc. 113-0032" 81-3-3816-3795/81-3-5689-7234/ VAJDEA ANCA-MARINA ROMANIA Geological Institute of Romania " 78344 1, Caransebes Str, Bucharest 32" "," VAJDEA VASILE ROMANIA Geological Institute of Romania " 78344 1, Caransebes Str, Bucharest 32" "," VANYAN LEONID RUSSIA Shirshov Institute of Oceanology / SIO RAS Moscow VARENTSOV IVAN RUSSIA "Geoelectromagnetic Research Institute of the United Institute of the Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences/IGEMI-IFZ" "p.o.b.30, Troitsk, Moscow Region, Troitsk, pc.142092" 7-095-3340906/7-095-1355077home/ VARGA GEZA HUNGARY Eotvos Lorand Geophysical Institute of Hungary Kolumbusz U. 17-23 Budapest P.c. H-1146 3611637438/3611637256/ VILJANEN ARI FINLAND "Finnish Meteorological Institute, Geophysical Research Division" Helsinki P.c. FIN-00101 POB 503 358-9-19294668/358-9-19294603/ VLASOV YURY UKRAINE "President of ""Slavuta"" Co" "33 Karl Marx Ave., Dniepropetrovsk, pc.320044" 380-562-47-67-80/380-562-47-67-77/ VOZOFF KEEVA AUSTRALIA Harbour Dom Pty POBox 596 Sydney 61299221383/61299567882/ WAJDA AGNIESZKA POLAND Geophysical Exploration Company "UL. Jagiellonska 76, Warsaw, pc. 03-301" 48228112556/48228112519/ sau WANNAMAKER PHILIP U.S.A. "University of Utah, Energy & Geoscience Institute" "423 Wakara Way, Suite 300, Salt Lake City, pc.84108" 801-581-3547/801-585-3540/ WEAVER JOHN CANADA "University of Victoria, Dean of Science" ", PO Box 3045, STN CSC, Victoria, pc. V8W 3P4" 12507217062/12507217059/ WECKMANN UTE GERMANY Institute for Meteorology and Geophysics Feldbergstr.47 Frankfurt/M p.c. D-60323 0049-6979824908/00496979823280/ WEIDELT PETER GERMANY "Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology, Tehnical University of Braunschweig" "Mendelssohnstr.3, Braunschweig, pc. D-38106" 495313915218/495313915220/ WHALER KATHY U.K. "University of Edinburgh, Dep. of Geology and Geoph." " West Mains Road, pc EH93JW" 01316504904/01316683184/ WIGHT DAVID U.S.A. Geotools Corporation "5808 Balcones Drive, Suite 202, Austin, Texas, p.c.78731" 1-512-454-0679/1-512-454-9309/ WU XIANG HONG CANADA "Departament of Geological Sciences, University of Manitoba" "240 Wallace Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2V2" 204-474-8395/204-474-7623/ XIONG ZONGHOU AUSTRALIA "Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Mineral Exploration Technologies,CRC AMET, Earth Science, Macquarie University" "Sydnei, NSW, pc. 2109" 61-2-9850-9285/61-2-9850-8366/ XU YOUSHENG GERMANY "Bayerisches Geoinstitut, UniversitSigmat Bayreuth " "Universitaetstrasse 30, Bayreuth, pc. D-95440" 49921553729/49921553769/ YAMAGUCHI SATORU JAPAN "Faculty of Science, Kobe University" "Nada, Kobe,pc.657" 078-803-0565/078-803-0490/ YAMANE KAZUNOBU JAPAN "Geothermal Energy Research & Development Co.,Ltd, Department of Research & Development" "Kyodo Bldg. 11-7, Kabuto-cho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, pc.103-0026" 81-3-3666-5822/81-3-3666-5289/ YIN CHANGCHUN GERMANY "Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology, Tehnical University of Braunschweig" "Mendelssohnstr.3, Braunschweig, pc. D-38106" 495313915214/495313915220/ ZACHER GERHARD GERMANY "Institute of Geophysics, University of Cologne, K/ln, Dipl. Geophys." "Albertus - Magnus - Platz, K/ln, pc. 50923" 49-221-470-3386/49-221-470-5198/ ZHAMALETDINOV ABDOULKHAY RUSSIA Geological Institute of the Kola Science Centre of RAS/IG KNC RAS Apatity ZHANG ZHIYI U.S.A. Western Atlas Logging Services "Houston, TX 77042" 713-9726593/ ZUGRAVESCU DOREL ROMANIA Insitute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy "19-21,J.L.Calderon Str.,Bucharest, R070201"