Local and Regional Electromagnetic Studies Chairpersons: M.C. Pomposiello, A.L. Padilha, and A.G. Jones 8.1 EFFECTIVE MODELLING OF LOCAL AND REGIONAL EM DATA (INVITED REVIEW PAPER) Yasuo Ogawa Geological Survey of Japan, Higashi 1-1-3, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8567, Japan oga@gsj.go.jp 8.2 THE ELECTRIC MOHO Alan G. Jones(1) and Ian J. Ferguson(2) (1) Geological Survey of Canada, 615 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E9, Canada (2) Department of Geological Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg Manitoba, R3T 2N2, Canada ajones@cg.nrcan.gc.ca Since Mohovicic discovered a dramatic increase in compressional seismic velocity from 5.68 km/s to 7.75 km/s at a depth of 54 km beneath the Kulpa Valley in Croatia, the "Moho" has become arguably the most important seismic horizon in the Earth in its role as defining the crust-mantle boundary. It is now known to be a ubiquitous feature of the Earth, and is usually assumed to separate lower crustal mafic rocks from upper mantle ultramafic rocks. Electromagnetic experiments conducted to date have failed to demonstrate a convincing change in electrical conductivity at the base of the crust. Here we report on the interpretation of magnetotelluric data from the southwestern edge of the Slave craton which show an unequivocal change at the Moho, the seismically-defined base of the crust. This change is a conductivity increase with depth, contrary to expectations, and requires a conducting phase in the upper mantle beneath the Slave craton. 8.3 CARPATHIAN CONDUCTIVITY ANOMALY AND ITS RELATION WITH TRANS-EUROPEAN SUTURE ZONE (TESZ) Dumitru Stanica Geological Institute of Romania, 78344-Caransebes Str., 1 ,Bucharest 32, Romania stanica@ns.igr.ro Some models derived from 2D inversion and modelling of the magnetotelluric (MT) data are presented, in order to identify the role of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) on the geoelectrical conductivity anomaly induced by it in lithosphere. In connection with this suture, other relevant geophysical and geological information have been used to emphasize its crustal and subcrustal features, without neglecting certain aspects concerning the nature of the deposits which are comprised in the subduction process, mainly metamorphosed sediments and graphite, and are keenly involved in the conductivity anomaly. All the images provided by the electromagnetic parameters supply conclusive information related to the suture emplacement, its depth extent (from 16 km to 100 km or more), width (20-25 km) and anomalous values of geoelectrical conductivity (about 0.1 S/m), as well as the relationship between two types of lithosphere that belong to Precambrian East-European Platform, towards East and North- East, and Phanerozoic terranes, towards West and South-West. Also, quantitative DATA regarding the sedimentary cover, the thickness of the crust and upper mantle, as well as tectonical elements - some of them playing an essential role in explaining the geodynamic evolution of the TESZ, are revealed. 8.4 DEEP FAULT MAPPING BY MAGNETOTELLURICS IN THE UKRAINE O.I. Ingerov(1), I.I. Rokityansky(2), and A.L. Lozovoy(3) (1) Phoenix Geophysics Ltd., Toronto, Canada (2) Institute of Geophysics of Ukrainian Academy of Science, Kyiv, Ukraine (3) National Mining University of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine alingers@arvotek.net More then 8000 magnetotelluric soundings (MTS) covering all Ukrainian territory give the possibility to interpret the systems of conductive faults which appear in the maps of MT parameters as linear zones of low resistivity, the border between blocks with different level of crust conductivity or different character of conductivity distribution. All six systems of faults (known in the Ukrainian shield territory from geological and potential field geophysical methods) are clearly seen in MT data. These data permit one to extrapolate the fault systems throughout Ukraine and to estimate the order (i.e. magnitude) of faults. 1.Three systems of faults are most clearly seen in MT data: 0-270, 15-285, 45-315 degrees. 2. Different forms of MTS curves permitting conductive fault identification characterize conductive faults at each of these azimuths by MTS data. 3. The faults have different orders, which can be estimated from MT data. 4. The faults form a spatially periodic structure (net) where the distance between the parallel faults tends to be approx. 17.5; 35; 53.5, 70; 107; 214 km. 5.Some mineral deposits are situated at the intersection of the faults of definite azimuths; such intersections appear favorable for mineral prospecting. 6. In Ukraine, MT methods have became standard methods in mineral and oil prospecting. The growth of these methods in other countries may be predicted, considering the recent availability of 5th generation MT equipment with increased productivity and reduced cost of MT surveys. 7. Spatial regularities of the fault Systems permits an economical, 2-step approach to MT fault mapping: 1- use a dense sounding net on limited territories to develop a good understanding of the fault systems; 2 subsequently, check the predicted locations with limited profiles. 8.5 VARNET-MT: INTERPRETATION OF MAGNETOTELLURIC AND MAGNETOVARIATIONAL DATA OVER VARISCAN AND CALEDONIAN STRUCTURES IN SW IRELAND C. Brown(1), P. Denny(2), and V. Haak(2) (1) Applied Geophysics Unit, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland (2) GFZ-Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, D-14473, Potsdam, Germany colin.brown@nuigalway.ie VARNET is a network of institutes with an interest in the European Variscides, a major orogenic front that extends 1500km from Ireland to Germany. It is well-exposed at the surface in southwest Ireland, making this region an obvious choice for a study of Variscan tectonic processes. The principal aims of VARNET are to quantify the effect of older, Caledonian structures on the structural style of Variscan geology and to provide an integrated model for the evolution of the Variscan Front. This will be based upon new geophysical data (P- and S-wave wide-angle seismic reflection, gravity and MT/MV) in southwest Ireland and pre-existing data in the Rhenish Massif in Germany. We will present an interpretation of the MT/MV data and integrate this with the seismic and gravity studies. The MV data have located 3 crustal conductors. One of these is related to the Iapetus Suture Zone extending from Scotland through Ireland. The second appears to resolve the upper surface of a ramp structure associated with the major Variscan frontal thrust fault. The origin of the third conductor is puzzling: its conductance is modest (50S) and its 60km of strike is orthogonal to al major geological structures. It may be due to current channeling. The geometry of these conductors has been approximated using a 3D forward modelling code that has also included the effect of the conductive seawater and sediments that surround Ireland. The MT data are of lower quality because of troublesome electric fence noise. Nevertheless, we have located several Caledonian fault zones that constrain the evolution of Variscan structures. The 2D MT inversions corroborate seismic results concerning the geometry and style of post-Variscan basin development. 8.6 REGIONAL ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY STRUCTURE OF THE SOUTHERN CANADIAN CORDILLERA AND ITS PHYSICAL INTERPRETATION Juanjo Ledo and Alan G. Jones Geological Survey of Canada, 615 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E9, Canada ledo@cg.nrcan.gc.ca The regional crustal structure of the southern Canadian Cordillera of western Canada is interpreted from the inversion of magnetotelluric data along five transects crossing the morphogeological belts. Decomposition of the data demonstrates that regional structures can be validly interpreted along the transects as two-dimensional, but with varying strike from profile to profile. The strike directions suggest a local clockwise rotation of crustal structures in the southern Intermontane and Omineca Belts, but not along the northern profiles in central British Columbia. Comparing the models from each profile allows us to obtain the regional-scale three-dimensional electrical crustal structure. The models show generally an upper resistive crust that contrasts with a more conductive lower crust. The conductivity in the Intermonate Belt is virtually the same along all profiles. In contrast, a strong along-strike variation in lower crustal conductivity is observed in the Omineca Belt, with much higher conductivities in the region of Eocene extension, and lower conductivities to the north in the unextended part of the Omineca. The joint interpretation of these magnetotelluric models with other geophysical data suggests that the presence of fluids in the lower crust can explain the observed data. 8.7 TWO-DIMENSIONAL MODELING OF MAGNETOTELLURIC DATA FROM THE CENTRAL ANDES Katrin Schwalenberg(1), Heinrich Brasse(2), Pamela Lezaeta(2), Volker Rath(2), Wolfgang Soyer(2), and Volker Haak(1) (1) GFZ Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany (2) FU Berlin, Fachrichtung Geophysik, Malteserstr. 74-100, Haus D, 12249 Berlin, Germany Katrin@gfz-potsdam.de A 400 km long magnetotelluric profile was carried out across the Central Andes to investigate the conductivity structure from crustal levels of the upper continental plate down to the subducted Pacific Nazca plate. Dimensionality studies of the data show that they are clearly influenced by three-dimensional effects, but in a first step a 2-D interpretation seems applicable. We used Mackie's 2D inversion code to generate smooth and stable models. The most prominent result in the model is a huge conductor beneath the Altiplano, a 3700 m high plateau in the backarc with an anomalous thickened crust of ca. 70 km. Sensitivity and resolution studies have been applied to constrain a minimal vertical extension to lower crustal levels, leading to an integrated conductivity of more than 30.000 S/m. Since other geophysical investigations also show an anomalous behavior in that region the most probable explanation are partial melts. 8.8 IMAGES ABOUT A DEEP EXTENSIONAL BASIN BY USING ROTATIONAL INVARIANTS OF THE MAGNETOTELLURIC IMPEDANCE TENSOR A. Adam and L. Szarka Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-9401 Sopron, POB 5, Hungary adam@ggki.hu szarka@ggki.hu The so-called Bekes graben in Hungary is considered as a characteristic extensional sub-basin of the Pannonian basin. Its bottom under thick Pannonian sediments - having a maximum depth of 7 km - is more or less known by deep drill holes and by geophysical studies. Among others about 40 MT soundings were carried out in an are of some 1200 km2 along PGT Geoscience Transects - Adam,A. et al., 1996, Geophys. Trans., 40, 45-79, Adam,A., Bielik,M., 1998, Geophys, J. Int., 134, 157-171. In this paper various magnetotelluric interpretational parameters are presented for this area. A special attention is paid to the magnetotelluric rotational invariants, since according to some three-dimensional numerical modelling experiments -Szarka,L., Menvielle,M., 1997, Geophys. J. Int., 129, 133-142, Szarka,L. et al., 2000, Acta geod. Geoph. Hung., 35, 1-27 - any rotational invariant computed from the real tensor provides in general better images than any other invariants. All magnetotelluric maps give useful information about the subsurface structure of the sub-basin, but the most realistic picture about the bottom is given by rotational invariants, computed from the real elements of the magnetotelluric impedance tensor, as it was expected from theoretical studies. 8.9 3-D MODELING OF CONDUCTIVITY STRUCTURE: INTEGRATING MAGNETOTELLURICS, INDUCTION VECTORS AND THE EFFECT OF STEEP TOPOGRAPHY - A CASE STUDY FROM MERAPI VOLCANO (CENTRAL JAVA) A. Muller GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, 14471 Potsdam, Germany grassus@gfz-potsdam.de Very few examples of successful 3-D interpretation of magnetotelluric (MT) sounding curves are known. In the case of Merapi volcano 3-D structures are hidden by the effect of steep topography. Here, we present 3-D models derived mainly from induction vectors. However, in addition, topography is considered explicitly, and the overall magnitude of the conductivities is constrained by MT measurements. Two 3-D structures have been identified uniquely; one is situated in the center of the volcano, and the other 4km southwest of the summit. Knowledge of the two 3-D features provides important information about the internal structure of the volcano, and for the interpretation of several monitoring experiments. While the first conductor might reflect the level of a hydrothermal water system, the origin of the second conductor remains unclear. Its position and extent correspond to the eruptiva of New Merapi. However, the conductivity of 1 Sm-1 is surprisingly high, comparable to values found for a layer at about 1500 m depth everywhere in the vicinity of the volcano. 1-D modeling suggests that this high conductivity is reached at less than 300 m depth below the center of the 3-D anomaly. I consider ways of differentiating between these two possible causes for the second conductor: new eruptiva or ascending material. 8.10 DISTORTION OF MT IMPEDANCES CAUSED BY A SHALLOW 3D HIGH CONDUCTIVITY STRUCTURE Edgar Schneider University of Göttingen, Herzberger Landstr. 180, 37075 Göttingen, Germany edgar@geo.physik.uni-goettingen.de The Münchberg Gneiss Massif in southern Germany was target of geoelectric and magnetotelluric measurements in 1998 and 1999. Both methods resolve a high conductive structure above 10 km depth. The magnetotelluric impedance is calculated for periods from 10 to 10000 s. A big resistivity contrast can be found between the polarisations of the tensor, so 3-dimensional forward modelling is done to explain the data. The strike of conductivity can be explained by high conductive shear zones at the boundary of the Gneiss Massif. Special atention is paid to the frequency distribution of strike angels. Due to the distortion the penetration depth of the electromagnetic field depends on the coordinate system in which the tensors are rotated. 8.11 A MT PROFILE ACROSS THE ELBE LINEAMENT IN NORTHERN GERMANY Bernhard Friedrichs Metronix, Kocherstrasse 3, 38120 Braunschweig, Germany friedrib@cooperpowertools.com Metronix has carried out magnetotelluric measurements for the BGR, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, in the last years. The soundings took place in the North German Basin, new models of the temporal and spatial development of the deep sub-surface and, in particular, of the regional distribution of potential source rock in the pre-Westphalian have been derived by the BGR. Good electrical conductors in depths of 7-11 km have been found in the northern and southern areas of the North German Basin. In the central part of the North German Basin any indications of good conductors within the pre-Westphalian sediments are missing. The data quality was decreasing in the western parts of Germany together with the increasing density of population. First measurements with the new 24-bit data logger ADU-06 were carried out on a new profile North of Braunschweig. One of the questions was whether the better dynamic range can help to reduce the influence of man made noise. 8.12p INVESTIGATION OF THE DEEP CONDUCTIVITY STRUCTURE OF THE SW IBERIA USING LOW FREQUENCY MAGNETOTELLURICS F. Monteiro Santos, Rafael Luzio, Antonio Soares, and L. Mendes Victor Centro de Geofisica da Universidade de Lisboa, R. Escola Politecnica, 58, 1269-102 Lisboa, Portugal dfams@fc.ul.pt As part of the EUROPROBE/IBERIA program a set of low frequency magnetotelluric data was collected in the SW Iberia (Portugal) to study the conductivity structure of the lower crust and upper mantle. It was the first attempt to study the deep geoelectric structure in Iberia. MT and induction transfer functions were estimated and a preliminary interpretation of the data is presented. The conductivity model derived using three-dimensional forward modelling is compared with published seismic results. 8.13p NEW MT MEASUREMENTS IN THE TRANSITION BETWEEN SOUTH PORTUGUESE, OSSA MORENA AND CENTRO IBERIA ZONES Eugenio Pina de Almeida(1), Jaume Pous(2), Alex Marcuello(2), Pilar Queralt(2), F. Monteiro Santos(3), Rita Nolasco(3), Liliana Matos(3), and L.A. Mendes Victor(3) (1) Instituto Politecnico de Tomar, Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Abrantes, 2200-Abrantes, Portugal (2) Universidade de Barcelona, Faculdade de Geologia, Zona Universitaria de Pedralbes, 08071, Barcelona, Espanha (3) Universidade de Lisboa and Centro de Geofisica da Universidade de Lisboa, R. da Escola Politécnica, 58, 1250-Lisboa, Portugal epalmeida@ipt.pt The Variscan Belt in the Iberian Pen-insula is the result of a continent-continent collision between an Ibero-Aquitanian indentor and a northern continent. This Belt offers the opportunity to observe and study a transpressional orogen. Forty magnetotelluric soundings were carried out along a 200 km-long profile, approximately NNE-SSW, across the three major geotectonic units in SW Iberia. A model obtained from two-dimensional inversion of the soundings shows four conductive regions at depths from 10 to 25 km, corresponding to the middle-lower crust. Two of these high- conductivity zones correspond to transition zones between main geotectonic units, SPZ-OMZ and OMZ-CIZ. The third conductive zone is tentatively associated with black shales with major graphite impregnation. The model shows several resistive features, which are preferentially located in the upper crust,1-10 km, related with gabbroic and granitic complexes. 8.14p MAGNETOTELLURIC SIGNATURE OF NORTHERN IBERIAN PENINSULA: CRUSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE CANTABRIAN MOUNTAINS AND ASSOCIATED FORELAND BASINS Jaume Pous, Pilar Queralt, Alex Marcuello, and Wiebke Heise Departament de Geodinamica i Geofisica Universitat de Barcelona, Martí Franqués s/n, 08028 Barcelona, Spain jaume@geo.ub.es The electrical conductivity structure of the crust of the northern Iberian Peninsula, along the Cantabrian Mountains and their southern foreland, the Duero basin, is investigated from magnetotelluric studies. The Cantabrian Mountains extend more than 250 km along the northern border of the Iberian Peninsula and constitute the western prolongation of the Pyrenees. They developed from Late Cretaceous to Early Miocene as a result of the collision between Iberian and European plates. The data set consist of 70 magnetotelluric soundings distributed along 4 profiles. Three profiles, oriented N-S, are located in the western and central part of the range and the fourth profile, oriented NE-SW, is located more to the east, across the western Pyrenees. After the analysis of the electrical dimensionality a consistent 2D strike was found for each profile and the recovered 2D regional responses were inverted by using the REBOCC code. The correlation between these 2D resistivity models gives a complete electromagnetic image of the crust in the northern Iberian Peninsula. Comparison with available deep seismic reflection data shows a good correlation between major reflectors and high conductivity zones in the upper and middle crust related to Alpine faults cutting deep across the basement. At lower crustal depths a number of high conductivity zones were detected, in general being thickened towards the north. All these features reveal a conductivity behaviour similar to the one found in the central Pyrenees related to the north dipping subduction of the Iberian lower crust. 8.15p INVESTIGATION OF COAST EFFECT AND ITS CORRECTION ON MAGNETOTELLURIC DATA Rita Nolasco(1), F. Monteiro Santos(1), Eugenio Almeida(2), Jaume Pous(3), and Luis A. Mendes-Victor(1) (1) Centro de Geofisica da Universidade de Lisboa, R. Escola Politecnica, 58, 1269-102 Lisboa, Portugal (2) Instituto Politecnico de Tomar, Tomar, Portugal (3) University of Barcelona, Spain dubert@teleweb.pt The oceanic effects on MT data acquired near the SW coast in the Iberian Peninsula were investigated using three-dimensional modelling and a methodology for the correction of those effects is proposed. The ocean was modelled considering a constant conductivity, 0.3 ohm m, and its mean depth, 3.5 km. The continental resistivity model was constructed taking into account its electrical structure obtained from previous magnetotelluric studies. The coastlines were represented by straight lines to avoid numerical instabilities. The model shows that ocean-coast effects are important for periods greater than 100 s affecting mainly the induction vectors. For sites located close to the coast, less than 100 km, a distortion of the magnetotelluric impedance tensors is also observed. This effect must be corrected before any strike analysis based on the impedance tensor was performed. 8.16p ELECTRIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS IN THE CAM-1 CABLE (BETWEEN MADEIRA AND LISBON) Antonio Soares, F. Monteiro Santos, and ISO-3D Group Centro de Geofisica da Universidade de Lisboa, R. Esc Politrcnica, 58, 1250 Lisboa, Portugal dfams@fc.ul.pt Electric potential measurements between Sesimbra and Madeira (Portugal) at the CAM-1 cable, a retired telephone cable, has been conducted since beginnings of 1999. The cable is 1100 km long and its end near Lisbon is grounded to the ocean bottom. An analysis of the cable showed that the cable electrical conditions have not significantly changed during the last year. Monitoring of the cable is being done at a sampling rate of 1 s using a Campbell data logger with 2 Mb memory, but only the average values, taken over 30 s, are recorded. We present a preliminary analysis of the results (data series statistics and spectral analysis). Finally we discuss the possibilities of using this data to measure the water transport and carry out a large scale magnetotelluric sounding to study the deep electrical structure. 8.17p LONG PERIOD MAGNETOTELLURICS ON THE AZORES ISLANDS Andreas Junge(1), Anja Kreutzmann(1), and Fernando Santos(2) (1) University of Frankfurt, Germany (2) Univ. of Lisboa, Portugal junge@geophysik.uni-frankfurt.de Time variations of the three magnetic and two horizontal telluric field components were observed last summer on the islands Terceira, Faial and Flores of the Azores Archipelago in the period range between 50 and 20.000 seconds. The aim of the experiment was the investigation of the oceanic crust and mantle for the American and European/African plate west and east of the Mid- Atlantic Ridge. The data do hardly show any cultural noise, thus the results are of excellent quality. The magnetotelluric transfer functions of the three islands do not reveal significant differences. The data can be explained by a simple 3D island model with 100 Ohm*m resistivity for the crust and mantle. 8.18p MAGNETOTELLURICS IN THE EASTERN EUROPEAN ALPS Andreas Junge(1), Graham Dawes(2), and Kathy Whaler(2) (1) University of Frankfurt, Germany (2) University of Edinburgh, Scotland junge@geophysik.uni-frankfurt.de Last summer a pilot study was performed to investigate the topographic effect and the influence of cultural noise on observations of the electromagnetic field in the frequency range of 1 mHz to 1 kHz along a seismic traverse across the Eastern European Alps. 5 simultaneously recording sites were set up: a) 1 far remote site in Scotland in a distance of 1500 km, 1 near remote site in Italy in a distance of 60 km and 3 sites in Austria on the slope of a large valley at different levels (1100 m, 1400 m, 1900 m); b) 1 far remote site in Scotland, 1 near remote site in Austria, 3 sites in Italy on the same level at 1800 m around the entrance of a valley. While the influence of topography could be neglected there was highly correlated local noise. The preselection of time segments using either remote site enabled the interpretation of otherwise strongly misleading data. 8.19p INVESTIGATION OF THE GOOD CONDUCTOR BENEATH ICELAND WITH MT Anja Kreutzmann(1), Andreas Junge(1), and Hjalmar Eysteinsson(2) (1) Institute for Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Frankfurt, Feldbergstr. 47, D-60323 Frankfurt, Germany (2) Orkustofnun, Reykjavik, Iceland akreutz@geophysik.uni-frankfurt.de Nearly 250 MT sites were measured on Iceland in the last 20 years. 1-D and 2-D interpretations indicated a good conductor with increasing depth from the island's centre by 8 km down to 25 km. Nearly all available data were reprocessed and reinterpreted. Data with a similar shape in the transfer functions were organized into groups to develop a comprehensive model of the conductive zone beneath Iceland. 3D modelling allowed an improved determination of the shape and size of the conductor. The conductive zone in the crust region is obviously bounded by the coastal line of Iceland. Therefore transfer functions in the vicinity of the coastal range will be influenced by this lateral change of conductivity as well as by the transition of crust/seawater conductivity. Special care is taken to distinguish between these two effects. Finally the origin, nature and composition of the crust conductor is related to dynamic processes like crust generation and it is discussed whether the upwelling plume beneath Iceland might influence the conductor's geometry. 8.20p CRUSTAL CONDUCTIVITY MAP OF THE FENNOSCANDIAN SHIELD Toivo Korja(1), V. Asming(2), A.A. Kovtun(3), N.A. Palshin(4), M. Smirnov(3), A. Tokarev(2), A.A. Zhamaletdinov(2), and BEAR Working Group (1) Geological Survey of Finland, Espoo, Finland (2) Kola Science Centre of RAS, Apatity, Russia (3) St. Petersburg University, St. Petersburg, Russia (4) Shirsov Oceanological Centre, Moscow, Russia toivo.korja@gsf.fi Knowledge on subsurface conductivity structure is required in many applications that are analysing and modelling the BEAR electromagnetic data. Such information is also necessary to understand the nature and tectono-geological significance of the major crustal conductors identified in the Shield. We shall present a preliminary version of a crustal conductivity map, i.e. crustal conductance, for the Baltic Shield and the surrounding oceans, sea basins and continental areas. The map - and the underlying digital database - consists of several separate layers including layers for sea waters, sediments and basement. The last is divided into several sub-layers to enable a feasible use of the map in various applications as well as to allow a rough 3D description of the conductivity structure. The database for the shield area, proper, consists of observations, e.g. 2D models from magnetotelluric data, and their extrapolations based on existing 2D data such as magnetometer array and airborne electromagnetic survey data. In practice, the database are compiled using a multipurpose BEAR Map software that allows to input data on electrical conductivity in different forms, to compute electrical conductivity in nodes of rectangular grids by set of isolines or data points. In the current version, the final database is extrapolated into a 5 min x 5 min grid. 8.21p INTERPRETING A THREE-DIMENSIONAL RESISTIVITY STRUCTURE USING DIFFERENT ALGORITHMS Edgar Schneider University of Göttingen, Herzberger Landstr. 180, 37075 Göttingen, Germany edgar@geo.physik.uni-goettingen.de A comparison between several forward modelling algorithms is always useful to manifest the model of a resistivity structure. Parameters of the model such as grid sizes can be varied to estimate the stability of the model. On this poster the thin-sheet- algorithm of Vasseur and Weidelt and Mackie's 3D-forward- algorihtm are compared. The model contains a shallow conductivity anomaly in a layered halfspace. With this two modelling algorithms it can be found out, how the thickness of the structure influences the results. This is applied to the data of the Münchberg Gneiss Massif in southern Germany. 8.22p ARRAY TENSOR-GEOELECTRICS ON A HIGH CONDUCTIVITY NAPPE PILE J.B. Stoll Institute of Geophysics, University of Goettingen, Herzberger Landstr. 180, 37075 Goettingen, Germany josto@willi.uni-geophys.gwdg.de The scalar apparent resistivity was originally defined for simple linear electrode resistivity arrays such as Wenner and Schlumberger arrays. For bipole mapping, it has become common practice to measure the total electric field vector at each survey point. There are many ways that an apparent resistivity can be defined for an electric bipole but all make use of the current density vector for the uniform halfspace. It will be shown that when a pair of current sources (or quadripole source) is used, and the corresponding electric field vectors are measured at each field station, the most comprehensive expression of the reduced data is as an apparent resistivity tensor. Long range direct current- soundings were carried out in the Muenchberg Gneiss Massif using multiple-source-quadripole geoelectrics. The soundings revealed a very high conductivity layer at shallow depth with a conductance of about 10000 Siemens. 8.23p THE HIGH CONDUCTIVITY ZONE OF MUENCHBERG: A MARKER HORIZON OF THE CARBON CYCLE J.B. Stoll Institute of Geophysics, University of Goettingen, Herzberger Landstr. 180, 37075 Goettingen, Germany josto@willi.uni-geophys.gwdg.de DC- and MT-array soundings on the metamorphic nappe pile of Muenchberg (Germany) detected a very high conductivity zone (10000 Siemens) in the upper crust, which correlates with the overthrusting shearplanes of this nappe. The estimated conductance of this zone suggests an electronically conducting phase rather than high salinity fluids. Graphite is an important source of conductivity in the form of metasediments trapped in continent-continent paleosuture zones. Fluid inclusion studies in the Muenchberg area observed CO2-, CO4-rich phases in certain lithostratigraphic units, which were trapped from a paleofluid system. Under certain P-T-conditions the organic matter of Corg- rich sediments is reduces to graphite in weakly-metamorphosed black shales in underthrust sedimentary basins. Graphite can also precipitated from CO2-rich fluids on shearplanes from active enrichment by fluid invasion and causes the presence of continous graphite films within fault zones. Inasmuch as, resistivity soundings are essential for the understanding of tectonism involving recycling of large volumes of fluids and underthrusting of metasedimentary rocks. 8.24p THE DIFFERENCE IN DEEP CONDUCTIVITY STRUCTURE ACROSS THE NORTH ANATOLIAN FAULT ZONE (NAFZ): ON THE GOLCUK 1999 EARTHQUAKE SEGMENT Aysan Gurer Geophysical Engineering Department, University of Istanbul, 34850, Avcilar, Istanbul, Turkey agurer@akasya.istanbul.edu.tr Magnetotelluric measurements at six locations along a 90-km profile across the area between Golpazari-Izmit and Akcaova have been modeled in two dimensions to increase the understanding of deep structure of western part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) where the last Golcuk (Ms=7.4, 1999) and Duzce (Ms=7.2, 1999) erthquakes took place. It is well known from surface geology that the branch of NAFZ that pass through the Pamukova Valley with an E-W strike separates the region into two sub-areas, containing contrasting sets of geological features. These two areas also exhibit significant differences in terms of their deep conductivity structure Electrical resistivity, which is quite low (10 ohm-m) south of the fault at an approximate depth of 25 km in contrast to the area north of the fault zone. In the northern part of the profile beneath Ucgaziler (DAK site) and Akcaova (DUC site), a five layered conductivity sequence obtained. In the light of the geological knowledge, these layers in the conductivity model are interpreted as the fragments of the Istanbul zone and the Sakarya continent as well as the ophiolitic slab in between. 8.25p GEODYNAMIC EVOLUTION OF THE VRANCEA SEISMOGENIC AREA REVEALED BY MAGNETOTELLURIC TOMOGRAPHY Dumitru Stanica and Maria Stanica Geological Institute of Romania, 78344 - Caransebes Str., 1, Bucharest 32, Romania stanica@ns.igr.ro As a sequence of its placement at the joint point of the three major tectonic plates, of different thicknesses: East-European, Moesian and Intra-Alpine, Vrancea zone is characterized by numberless motions triggered especially in the intermediate depth of 70-200km. In the context created by the existence of more geotectonic models which may not explain the whole mechanism regarding the genesis and the occurrence of Vrancea earthquakes, new techniques of investigation of the lithosphere are imposed, in order to define more reliable information. Therefore, this paper aims at revealing the deep structure in Vrancea zone by means of a magnetotelluric tomography, able to bring into the light new aspects related to the electromagnetic parameters, owing to the impedance tensor decomposition technique. Derived from this, the separation of the regional effects and the strike direction at various depths are emphasized. The tomographic images (the conductivity and phase distribution) reveal that the intermediate depth extent of seismogenic block is 70-200km and it is charecterized by low conductivity surrounded by high conductivity areas, what may constitute an evidence of a lithosphere slab (linked with the East- Europen Platform) embeded into the mantle during the subduction process. The seismogenic volume displays a peculiar structure, its main feature being a change of strike from top to bottom. At the same time, its strike orientation changes in the depth, displaying a NE-SW direction (in conformity with the subduction trend towards NW), in the upper part, and N-S (corresponding to the strike direction of the subduction before the last segment of the Vrancea lithosphere was incorporated into the mantle), in the lower part. 8.26p CONDUCTIVITY ANOMALIES WITHIN THE BASEMENT IN THE TELLURIC MAP OF TRANSDANUBIA Andras Madarasi Lorand Eotvos Geophysical Institute, H-1145 Budapest, Kolumbusz u. 17- 23, Hungary madand@elgi.hu In 1999 the telluric map of western part of Hungary - Transdanubia - was completed using more than 7000 stations measured in almost 40 years. Tellurics is a simple method to investigate several km deep sedimentary basins. When measurements are carried out in the S-interval, i.e. the basement is of high resistivity and the period time of the processed pulsations is long enough compared to the conductance of sediments, from measurements of the electric components of the natural electromagnetic field the conductance of sediments filling up the basin can be determined related to a base station. We have transformed these relative values to telluric conductance by means of magnetotelluric soundings performed at the base stations, which refers to the middle of the unavoidably narrow period range of telluric measurements, to 25 s. Basement is, however, not resistive everywhere in Transdanubia, the telluric conductance significantly exceeds at some places the conductance of sediments. We intended to present this phenomenon known for a long time in a new map. Using the data of magnetotelluric soundings and well- logging we made a more or less acceptable estimation of conductance distribution of the sediments filling up the basin. Subtracting these from the telluric values we obtain the stripped telluric map, which emphasizes the conductors within the basement. 8.27p REINTERPRETATION OF THE TRNASDANUBIAN CONDUCTANCE ANOMALY USING 2D INVERSION Geza Varga Lorand Eotvos Geophysical Institute, H-1145 Budapest, Kolumbusz u. 17-23, Hungary varga@elgi.hu Magnetotelluric measurements carried out by researchers of the Miskolc University and the Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences at the end of the 1960s detected the Transdanubian conductance anomaly in Hungary. There are, however, uncertainties in their interpretation even more than 30 years after this discovery. The Eotvos Lorand Geophysical Institute of Hungary has been involved in the study of the conductance anomaly since the early 1980s and performed MT soundings at more than 300 sites. Primarily 1D inversion was used and due to the strong anisotropy of curves the results were generally of poor quality. To reduce the interpretational uncertainties we have reinterpreted our measurements using 2D inversion. To choose the TE and TM mode curves we compared the strike direction of tipper and principal directions of the horizontal impedance tensor at each site. For an overwhelming majority of curves - in many cases in contrast to the earlier classification - maximum curves represent the TE mode. To make the structural information more correct all of the studies were performed with joint inversion, and we obtained very good fitting with the Smooth inversion of the WinGLink program package. 2D inversion was carried out along eight profiles crossing the Central Range. Inversion provided completely identical structure for all profiles: conductive formations appear at the SE side of the megastructural line separating the Alpian and Central Range units - the so-called Raba Line - and steeply descend below the Mesozoic rocks of the Central Range. 8.28p GEOELECTRIC MODEL OF THE TECTONICS IN THE AREA OF THE BERHIDA EARTHQUAKE (HUNGARY) A. Adam Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-9401 Sopron, POB 5, Hungary adam@ggki.hu A conducting dike has been indicated by magnetotelluric soundings near the area of the maximum intensity of the Berhida earthquake - August 15, 1985 - supposedly at the crossing of the longitudinal and transversal fractures. The character of the dike well fits to the general structure of the "Transdanubian Conductivity Anomaly" - lying in the area of the Trransdanubian Central Range and in its NW foreground. To find the real structure of the dike, different modellings - polarization study - have been carried out taking into account the relation between the conductors and induction vectors, too. Supposing that in the conducting fractures graphite and fluid accumulated and these decrease the bulk resistivity, the high seismic attenuation in the area can be explained by the low viscosity of these materials. They can play role in the release of the stress accumulation in case of the Berhida earthquake, too. Destruction appears at the brittle wall of the fracture. 8.29p PROJECT OF MAGNETOTELLURIC SURVEY IN THE POLISH CARPATHIANS - METHODOLOGY OF DATA ACQUISITION, PROCESSING AND INTERPRETATION, AND SELECTED RESULTS Michal Stefaniuk(1,2), Tomasz Czerwinski(1), and Wojciech Klitynski(1,2) (1) Geophysical Exploration Company, ul. Jagiellonska 76, 03-301 Warsaw, Poland (2) University of Mining and Metallurgy, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland stefan@geolog.geol.agh.edu.pl In 1998, the Geophysical Exploration Company , Polish State Geological Institute, and Polish Oil and Gas Company began wide magnetotelluric investigations in Polish Carpathians. Data acquisition was made with the use of MT-1 magnetotelluric system designed and produced by Electromagnetic Instruments Inc. Measurements were made in a frequency range of 300 - 0.0005 Hz with remote magnetic reference. As a result of data processing amplitude and phase MT sounding curves, impedance polar diagrams, and skew were obtained. 1D inversion was made with Bostick, Occam and LSQ methods. Based on Bostick 1D inversion, pseudo 2D resistivity cross-sections were computed. Results of 1D LSQ inversion were used to obtain 2D input resistivity section. Results of data interpretation from eight profiles provided new elements in recognition of the structure of the flysch orogen and its basement and confirmed earlier interpretation of the roof of the high-resistivity horizon. A considerable resistivity differentiation was observed in the Mesozoic, Paleozoic and Precambrian formations in N part of the cross-sections where the high-resistivity platform- type basement occurs beneath the autochthonous Miocene sediments. The zone of low-resistivity rocks, probably connected with an alpine compressional structure, occurs in the south-eastern part of the study area. Quite different situation is in the western part of the study area. Southern parts of profiles are located in the Inner Carpathians close to a northern margin of the Tatra Mts massif. Results of MT data interpretation confirm the allochthonous character of that massif. Resistivities of the flysch orogen are much lower than of its basement. 8.30p MODELLING OF THE CONDUCTIVITY DISTRIBUTION AT THE CONTACT OF THE BOHEMIAN MASSIF WITH THE WESTERN CARPATHIANS S. Kovacikova, V. Cerv, and O. Praus Geophysical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Bocni II/1401, 14131 Praha 4, Czech Republic SVK@ig.cas.cz Anomalous magnetic field maps for the eastern part of the Bohemian Massif and the Western Carpathians are calculated from the single-station GTFs by separating the field into external and internal parts. The results are compared with the hypothetical event analysis. Anomaly sources are replaced by a thin sheet, and the equivalent current systems for the thin sheet in free space and the thin sheet in the conductive Earth model are obtained and compared. The inversion for the conductance within the thin sheet is computed. Minimum gradient support stabilizing functional is used in order to obtain more clear and focused image then for conventional maximum smoothness functional. 8.31p MT RESULTS ON RUSSIAN GEOTRANSECTS I.S. Feldman(1), B.A. Okulessky(1), A.V. Lipilin(2), R.G. Berzin(2), V.G. Sibgatullin(2), and I.P. Shpak(2) (1) Electromagnetic Research Center, 3, Jubileinaya str., 142092, Troitsk, Moscow region, Russia (2) The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, Russia emrcingf@mtu-net.ru novikov@hedric.msk.su MT-results fulfilled with high-precision equipment (ES-MT) along Russian geotransects of total length of 2000 km are discussed together with reflection-and refraction-seismic data. The profiles cross the Russian platform, the Siberian platform, the Caucasus, the Sayany mountains and the Baikal region. Within basins and deepened structures at the plates, including foreplains, the geoelectric section remaining relatively conductive up to depths of 10-15 km. Depending on the depth of erosion, three structural- tectonic floors (Mz-Kz, Pz, Pr2-3) manifest themselves more or less and each of them has its own structural appearance which is in accordance with RFL data. The depth of the basement of high resistivity (>500 Ohm.m) varies from a few hundred meters up to a few kilometers on shields, anticlines and large arches to 10-12 km in basins. Depth interval of high resistivity corresponds to the interval of low reflective power. Mz - Kz mountain-folded structures (MFS) (The Caucasus) to the depth of 30 km are formed of relatively low-resistive rocks (~100-300 Ohm.m), characteristic of Paleozoic sedimentary formation of folded basement. The peculiarity of Pz MFS (The Ural-Mongolian belt) is a lateral occurrence of a conductive layer with a resistivity of a few ohm.m at depths from a few to 20 km that may be explained only by occurrence of electron conductive rocks. In more ancient MFS (the Yenisei Mauntain-ridge, Baikal region) the geoelectric section, beginning from shallow depths and, sometimes, from the surface to the depth of 10-15 km, is formed of abnormally conductive formations, which have a quite complicated shape, from steep folds to vertical stocks. 8.32p ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY ANOMALIES OF THE EARTH CRUST AND UPPER MANTLE OF THE UKRAINE S.N. Kulik and T.K. Burakhovich Kiev, Ukraine kulik@sabbo.net In a relatively small Ukrainian territory there is a diversity of tectonic elements which are characterized by numerous anomalies of high conductivity (CA) in the earth's crust and upper mantle. Korosten CA with summary longitudinal conductivity (S) from 500 to 1000 S was discovered at the depth of 15 km within Volynian and Podolian blocks of Ukrainian Shield (USh). There is some evidence of a conductivity layer with S around 600 S at the depth of 50-70 km in the upper mantle. Gajvoronian and Kirovogradian CA are found in the territory of Kirovogradian and the south-western part of Peridnieprovian blocks and Golovanian and Western-Ingulec suture zones of USh. Kirovograd CA lies at the depth of 25 km and has electrical conductivity up to 2000 S. Peridnieprovian block and part of Orekhovo-Pavlogradian suture zone of USh are characterized by electrical resistivity up to hundreds of thousands Ohm.m . The estimation of the thickness of the isolator is 10 km. There is a CA in the core of Periazovian massive which partly overlaps with the Western-Periazovian regional magnetic anomaly. Volyn CA is found on the northern part of the Volyn-Podolian Plate (VPP). Its thickness is 2-3 km and the depth is 1-2.5 km . Its integral conductivity is 1.08×10**8 S.m. The existence of the second anomalous area at the depth of 25-50 km remains an open question. Chernovcy CA is found at the depth of 50-100 km in the territory of VPP, it has electrical conductivity around 2000 S. There is Javorov CA within the Lviv Paleozoic Deep. The conductive part has a longitudinal conductivity of 200 S, its width is 60 km at the depth of 20-25 km. There were found 10-20 km and 40 km conductors with longitudinal conductivity of 100-300 and 400-1000 S respectively in the earth's crust and the upper mantle of the Peridobrogea Deep. In Dnieper-Donets Deep and Donets folded structure in the earth's crust, there was determined a wide area of high electrical conductivity that consists of alternating weakly (S=1000 S) and highly (10000 S) conductive parts. There is a conductive layer at the depth of 110 km with S=700-800 S, that is located in the core of the young Epicimmerian Platform of Crimea. Two other conductive layers at the depth of 14 and 60 km with S=5000 S were located at Tarkhankut Peninsula in Crimea. There lies CA at the depth of 13 km with electrical resistance of 0.5-1 Ohm.m in Ukrainian Carpathians Mts. In the upper mantle under Pannonian there is a conducting astenosphere at the depth of 70 to 170 km with resistivity of 25 Ohm×m which wedges out the Folded Carpathians in the direction of the East-European Platform. 8.33p COMPARISON OF ELECTRICAL STRUCTURE AND SEISMICITY ALONG SEGMENTS OF THE SAN ANDREAS FAULT: HOLLISTER, PARKFIELD, AND CARRIZO PLAIN Paul Bedrosian University of Washington, Geophysics Program, Box 351650, ATG Building, Seattle, WA, 98195, USA bedros@geophys.washington.edu High-resolution MT studies at Carrizo Plain, Parkfield, and most recently Hollister, California have imaged the electrical structure of the San Andreas fault zone. These three regions show markedly different types of seismicity, ranging from a locked segment (Carrizo Plain) which ruptured in 1857 to a creeping segment (Hollister) with few events above magnitude 5. The electrical structure will be discussed is the framework of fluids and their role within fault zones. In particular, the relationship between fault zone fluids and seismicity as well as their implications for the state of stress on the San Andreas fault will be discussed. Additional work on the analysis of MT data in the presence of significant cultural noise (Hollister) will be discussed. 8.34p IMAGING PROTEROZOIC FE-METASOMATISM USING A/MT OVER THE TEMAGAMI LAKE MAGNETIC ANOMALY, ONTARIO, CANADA J.A. Craven, D.E. Boerner, and R.D. Kurtz Geological Survey of Canada, Canada craven@cg.nrcan.gc.ca The Temagami Lake Magnetic Anomaly, TLMA, is located northeast of Sudbury, Ontario and is thought to be related to exposed iron formations and perhaps a deeper cryptic intrusion beneath Proterozoic cover rocks within the Cobalt Embayment. This interpretation is problematic due to a number of reasons chief of which is the absence of a large positive Bouguer anomaly. Responses from nineteen combined audio-magnetotelluric, A/MT, sites acquired in 1995 and 1997 to determine the electrical structure of the anomaly have recently been modeled and demonstrate only weak to moderate conductivity enhancement in the region. A tectonic model for the origin of the magnetic anomaly will be presented that is consistent with all the available geophysical observations and with the Proterozoic tectonic history of the region. 8.35p SNORCLE - NORTHERN CORDILLERA MT EXPERIMENT: REGIONAL STRUCTURES Juanjo Ledo(1), Alan G. Jones(1), Ian Ferguson(2), Lisa Wolynec(2), Jessica Spratt(1), and Grant Wennberg(2) (1) Geological Survey of Canada, 615 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E9, Canada (2) Department of Geological Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2, Canada ledo@cg.nrcan.gc.ca The Slave-Northern Cordillera Lithospheric Evolution -SNORCLE- Transect addresses LITHOPROBE's theme of crustal evolution through an integrated program of geological and geophysical studies across a geologically diverse region and through four billion years of Earth's history. Previous work focused on the Archean and Proterozoic aspects of SNORCLE, but the new MT data acquisition in Autumn 1999 was on the Cordillera. The application of the magnetotelluric -MT- method to the study of the northern Cordillera has three principal objectives. The first concerns characterization of the regional conductivity properties of the northern Cordillera in relation to the major tectonic units. The second thrust involves upper mantle features: determination of the depth extent and internal variation within the lithosphere beneath the Cordillera the fate of the vast amount of pacific lithosphere overridden by North America during the past. The third specific goal is determination of the subsurface geometry and character of the Tintina strike-slip fault zone for comparison with the reflection data and a better understanding of reasons for conductivity enhancement at faults. The MT experiment was the largest ever undertaken by LITHOPROBE, and consists of more than two hundred MT sites - AMT, broad band and long period- covering over 2000 km of transect. In this paper we will present the first results characterizing the regional conductivity distribution. 8.36p SNORCLE - NORTHERN CORDILLERA MT EXPERIMENT: ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY DISTRIBUTION OF THE TINTINA FAULT Juanjo Ledo(1), Alan G. Jones(1), and Ian Ferguson(2) (1) Geological Survey of Canada, 615 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E9, Canada (2) Department of Geological Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2, Canada ledo@cg.nrcan.gc.ca The northern Rocky Mountain Trench-Tintina strike-slip fault -TTF- is a 2000 km-long transcurrent fault along which an estimated 450- km or more of Cretaceous-Tertiary dextral displacement occurred. Rocks to the northeast of the TTF are mainly sedimentary and represent the ancient North American Margin. Rocks to the southwest of the TTF are mostly young, mainly igneous and metamorphic, and represent numerous accreted terranes. Tectonic forces caused the block of rocks southwest of the fault to grind up against the stable North American block and, during a history of innumerable earthquakes, moved the southwestern block northwest to Alaska. To determine the subsurface geometry and character of the TTF zone, one dense AMT and three regional MT surveys have been carried out as part of the SNORCLE transect investigations. The study of the fault had been done at three different length scales. First of all a high density AMT profile to study the local structure of the upper few kilometres of the fault. Secondly, three MT broadband profiles crossing the fault at different locations, which allows us to obtain the image of the fault at crustal and upper mantle scale. Finally the integration of the three MT models together with different geological and geophysical information to produce a 3D image of the fault. 8.37p COMPARISON OF THE MAGNETOTELLURIC AND SEISMIC ANISOTROPY DIRECTIONS ACROSS THE GREAT SLAVE LAKE SHEAR ZONE, NORTHWEST TERRITORIES, CANADA Xianghong Wu(1), Alan Jones(2), Ian Ferguson(1), and David Eaton(3) (1) Department of Geological Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2, Canada (2) Geological Survey of Canada, 615 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E9, Canada (3) University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada umwux@cc.umanitoba.ca ajones@cg.nrcan.gc.ca The Great Slave Lake shear zone, GSLsz, arguably the most dominant feature in the aeromagnetic map of Canada, is a northeast-trending, N45E, strike-slip dextral fault with 300-700 km offset in the northwestern part of the Canadian Shield. It is interpreted as a Paleoproterozoic continental transform. A deep- probing magnetotelluric and teleseismic study was undertaken across it to define its geometry to depth. MT soundings were made at 15 sites along a profile across it in 1996, and teleseismic data were recorded at thirteen stations across it from mid-May to early October, 1999. Geoelectric Groom-Bailey strike varies with depth. High frequency strike to 10 s periodicity, approx. 25 km depth, is approx. N30E, whereas at longer periods strike rotates to approx. N60E by 100 s, approx. 100 km, and is constant thereafter. The high frequency strike we associate with upper and mid-crustal structures, whereas the longer period strike is representative of lithospheric mantle structures. We have performed 2D inversions for, (A) the whole depth interval simultaneously with the all period data at an assumed strike angle of N41E, (B) the upper/mid-crust with the data to 10 s at N30E, and (C) the lower-crust to lithosphere with the data from 30 - 3000 s at N60E. The resulting models show features that infer the GSLsz is a west-dipping fault in the uppermost crust, then changes to a vertical fault with a large depth extent from the mid-crust to mantle. The teleseismic SKS analyses give an average fast polarization direction for sites away from the GSLsz of N57E caused by a single anisotropic layer. In contrast the two sites closest to the GSLsz exhibit a complex response indicative of two anisotropic layers combining to give an average SKS direction of approx. N45E. The N57E direction is the direction of absolute plate motion due to present-day asthenospheric flow, and one possible interpretation is that the SKS anisotropy comes from the asthenosphere rather than the lithosphere. The correspondence in direction between the SKS and MT anisotropies suggests though that both are due to lithospheric mantle anisotropy that may be coincidentally in the same direction as present day plate motion. Alternatively, perhaps present day plate motion affects the lower lithospere. 8.38p IMAGING ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY STRUCTURES AT UPPER MANTLE DEPTHS IN THE ALTO PARANAIBA IGNEOUS PROVINCE (APIP) OF BRAZIL M.S. Bologna, I. Vitorello, A.L. Padilha, and M.B. Padua INPE, C.P. 515, 12201-970, S.J. Campos, Brazil bologna@dge.inpe.br Electromagnetic investigations from long-period (> 100 s) magnetotelluric (MT) soundings have been carried out in Neoproterozoic belts of Brasiliano-Pan African age, amalgamated around the south-eastern border of the Archean Sao Francisco Craton. The focus of this research is the definition of the variations in electrical conductivities of the upper mantle, particularly the ones associated with the base of the geoelectrical lithosphere. Situated in the SW margin of the craton, a profile composed by 13 MT soundings in a 110 km long path crosses several Cretaceous intrusives in the Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province (APIP), an important site of alkalic magmatism. The presence of a large variety of rock types, i.e. carbonatite complex, kimberlite, kamafugite, lamproite and volcanics of the Mata da Corda Formation, suggests that these rocks were generated at different depths within the upper mantle and under distinct mantle geotherms, but their geneses, temporal and spatial relationships remain obscure. The profile runs from the NE, in the region of the Mata da Corda Formation near the proposed border of the Sao Francisco Craton, to the SW, on the margin of the Parana Basin. A 2D inversion of MT data up to 20,000 s indicates an overall resistive lithosphere, yet in some degree heterogeneous. In particular, the SW portion is more conductive, mainly below 60 km, than the central and the NE regions. In the latter, a sharp increase in conductivity is observed at about 140 km, possibly associated with incipient partial melting, which could be interpreted as the base of the geoelectrical lithosphere. Petrochemical data indicate for this region the presence of an uplifted asthenosphere with a probable link to the source of kamafugitic and lamproitic intrusions and the volcanics of the Mata da Corda. Intrusions of deeper material with kimberlitic affinities are found in the central part of the profile where high resistivity values go deeper than 200 km. 8.39p MAGNETOTELLURIC SOUNDINGS ACROSS THE TAUBATE BASIN, SOUTHEAST BRAZIL Paula M.A. Brito, Antonio L. Padilha, and Icaro Vitorello INPE, C.P. 515, 12201-970 S.J. Campos, Brazil padilha@dge.inpe.br Thirteen magnetotelluric soundings were carried out in the Taubate Basin region. They were positioned along a profile cutting across the thickest part of the basin, named Tremembe sub-basin, and extending over the Serra do Mar and Serra da Mantiqueira mountain ranges, respectively to the southeast and the northwest. The data were interpreted through a 2-D inversion scheme and the results were tested through a forward modelling. A 10 km deep conductive layer (conductance around 20 S) was observed quite clearly under the crystalline regions but was undetected under the sedimentary rocks. The latter can be probably associated with screening effects due to the high conductance (150 to 200 S) of the surficial sediments. Studies at different tectonic regions in the world have reported the same conductive layer at around the same depth but in the present study the layer has an anomalously low conductance considering that it is a region which was extensively reworked during the Neo-Proterozoic. These findings are strong constraints to any tectonic model suggested to explain regional features and indicate that the mechanism related to the basin formation did not originate intense deformation at deep parts of the lithosphere. The events can be then considered to be shallow, mobilizing a small area in the upper crust, a typical characteristic of a strike-slip mobile zone. 8.40p MAGNETOTELLURIC AND GEOMAGNETIC DEPTH SOUNDINGS REVEALING UPPER CRUSTAL CONDUCTORS ALONG THE TORRES SYNCLINE HINGE, SOUTHEAST PARANA BASIN, BRAZIL Antonio L. Padilha and Icaro Vitorello INPE, C.P. 515, 12201-970 S.J. Campos, Brazil padilha@dge.inpe.br Seventeen MT and GDS soundings in the period range of 0.0008- 2048 s have been carried out around the NW plunging Torres Syncline in the southeastern border of the Parana Basin, in Brazil. Parkinson induction arrows show a NW-trending conductive anomaly nearly coincident with the hinge of the syncline and strong ocean effects in periods approaching 1000 s at sites near the coastline. 2-D inversions of MT data along two profiles parallel to the coast and across this anomaly have distinguished two highly conductive features: (i) a near-surface zone observed in the profile closest to the coast (mainly located over outcrops of pre-volcanic sediments); and (ii) a larger electrical conduit, in the central part of both profiles, dipping to the NW from a depth of 500 m at the coast to 1000 m at a distance of about 100 km further inland. The former conductor is probably connected with electronic conduction afforded by coal beds underlying the studied region, whereas the latter conductor, in the crystalline basement, could be possibly ascribed to residual metasomatic fluids concentrated along the hinge of the downfolded Torres Syncline, as a fossil record of past magmatic activities that affected the Parana Basin and underlying lithosphere since the Early Cretaceous. 8.41p TEM IMAGING OF PLATFORM CARBONATES FROM SERGIPE-ALAGOAS BASIN - BRAZIL: PRELIMINARY RESULTS Eutair R. Morais and Paulo T.L. Menezes Faculdade de Geologia, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil eutairmor@starmedia.com TEM measurements were performed at Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil, in order to study the shallow carbonate bodies onshore, which are analogous to several oil reservoirs in the brazilian basins. The Riachuelo and Cotinguiba are the Cretaceous formations that are related to these bodies. Riachuelo Formation is composed of open marine sediments intercalated by clastic wedges and shalow platform carbonate banks. Cotinguiba Formation is a carbonate section deposited in a ramp-type basin. We collected 49 SIROTEM-MK3 100 and 50 m side coincident loop stations at three NW profiles with 20 km length each, crossing the whole carbonate section. Preliminary analysis based on 1D inversions of the data set shows an intercalation of resistive and very conductive layers, which was interpreted as intercalations of carbonate and clastic units, respectively. These geoelectrical units presents good correlation with related well logs. 8.42p EM INDUCTION MODELLING OF THE ARAGUAINHA IMPACT CRATER USING WALSH FUNCTIONS P.-A. Schnegg(1) and S. L. Fontes(2) (1) Geomagnetism Group, Geological Institute, University of Neuchatel, CH2000 Neuchatel, Switzerland (2) Observatorio Nacional, Rua Gal. Jose Cristino, 77, 20921-400 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil pierre.schnegg@geol.unine.ch The Araguainha impact crater is the largest impact site in South America with a diameter of 40 km. It is located in sediments at the northern tip of the intracratonic Parana Basin. To investigate the geometry and the vertical extension of this structure a 40-km profile driven in the NW-SE direction across the centre of the crater was carried out in 1992 with magnetotelluric equipment. In a previous work three-dimensional modelling of the horizontal electric and magnetic fields has shown that the bottom of the structure reaches a depth of 2 km. In an attempt to increase the resolution of the method we carried out a 3D modelling of the geomagnetic induction field, i.e. vertical magnetic field, with an automatic scheme based on a radial expansion of Walsh functions, and using R. Mackie's forward code. The constraint of a vertical symmetry axis is raised by allowing azimutal depth variations with the same type of functions. We also compare the resolving power of 1. 2- polarization MT, 2. vertical magnetic field induction and 3. both MT and vertical field. 8.43p MAGNETOTELLURIC INVESTIGATION AT A PROFILE BETWEEN VITORIA, STATE OF ESPIRITO SANTO, AND BELO HORIZONTE, STATE OF MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL: PRELIMINARY RESULTS Gleide A N. Dias and Irineu Figueiredo Observatorio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil irineu@on.br It was performed 20 MT soundings along profile of 280 km, with average spacing of 14 km between soundings and frequency range covered was generally 0.003 Hz to 300 Hz, crossing resistive crystalline terrains related to Ribeira Belt, Southeast Brazil, between the Serra do Mar and Serra da Mantiqueira with a direction of the about West to East. Data from profiles located over terrain Pre Cambrian and lithological variations occur from one intermontane with, Gnaisse Piedade, Complexo Paraiba do Sul, Complexo Pocrane, Grupo Italva, Suite Intrusiva Santa Angelica, Complexo Juiz de Fora and Suite Intrusiva Espirito Santo. The processing was carried out in the frequency domain using a robust code. In this work we used the Groom and Bailey approach, in order to obtain the decomposition of the impedance tensor and to determine the regional and local geoelectric strike. Studies in the area include 1D and 2D inversion of TE and TM data for the improvement and understanding of the North part of Ribeira Belt. MT model is supported by the surface geology, represented by the geologic units and associated faults, with predominant direction East to Northeast. 8.44p INVESTIGATIONS IN A EXPLORATORY PROGRAM OF THE CENTRAL PART OF SAO FRANCISCO BASIN - BRAZIL Ana L. Rodrigues(1), Emin Ulugergerli(2), Sergio L. Fontes(1), and Jorge Porsani(3) (1) Observatorio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2) Ankara University, Turkey (3) IAG-USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil sergio@on.br Fourty three magnetotelluric (MT) soundings were undertaken along eight profiles at the central portion of the Proterozoic Sao Francisco Sedimentary Basin, northern region of Minas Gerais State. The study aimed at the mapping of the geoelectrical structure of the basin. The MT profiles were disposed along ten seismic lines covering 11,0000 km2 of total area. The MT soundings were irregularly spaced and covered the frequency range from 0.001Hz to 400 Hz, probing the electric structure from the surface to a maximum depth of 60 km. The MT data corrupted by static shift were corrected by fixing the resistivity value (given by the median) of the first observed conductor. Two-dimensional modelling showed a relatively conductive zone in the centre of the studied area (1-3 Km in depth) which might be associated to a rift structure or normal faulting of the basement. The results show good agreement with seismic and gravimetric data. Deep structure depicted from the MT data is presently being assessed. 8.45p PRELIMINARY MAGNETOVARIATIONAL AND MAGNETOTELLURIC RESULTS FROM 9 MT SOUNDINGS ALONG A WE PROFILE AT 33-34 DEG SOUTH IN ARGENTINA E. Borzotta and M. Mamani Unidad de Geofisica, IANIGLA, CRICYT, Casilla de Correo 330, 5500 Mendoza, Argentina eborzota@lab.cricyt.edu.ar Preliminary results from 9 MT soundings performed along a W-E profile of 600 Km long at 33-34 deg South Lat. in Argentina are discussed. H and D magnetograms obtained at each location were compared with observations at the Pilar Geomagnetic Observatory located next to the profile, and some induction vectors were also estimated in order to detect possible conductivity anomalies CA and lateral electrical resistivity variations. The results show a general agreement between MV and MT studies, suggesting an important CA between 66 and 68 deg West Long. with NW-SE general strike. This anomaly would possible run following the border between the Pampean and Precordillera terranes connecting the Cuyana and Beazley sedimentary basins along the Tunuyan lineament. High electrical resistivities in the lithosphere and a good developed conductive layer are also observable at 64 deg W Long from the Pilar Geomagnetic Observatory location to 200 Km south, with top at about 200 Km depth. Analysis of these features in the frame of the regional geological context is performed. 8.46p DISTORTIONS ON MT TRANSFER FUNCTION DUE TO PERCOLATION Alicia Favetto, Matias de la Vega, and Ana Osella Dpto. de Fisica, Univ. Buenos Aires, Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellón I,1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina favetto@df.uba.ar In the present paper we discuss possible effects that percolation in porous media can produce on the MT response curves. As a first approach to study this complex system we assume that the percolation occurs in a layer of a 1-D structure. To model this layer, we propose a percolation network in which the effective conductivity is frequency dependent. We simulate this effect also by means of a weak non-linear contribution of the medium. Finally, we calculate the MT response of these models and compare them to the non-distorted results. 8.47p A CASE OF STRONG CURRENT CHANNELLING IN THE SOUTHERN CENTRAL ANDES Pamela Lezaeta and Heinrich Brasse Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany pamela@geophysik.fu-berlin.de Data in the period band 20-20000 s from MT measurements carried out in the Andes at 20-21 S latitude show common features. In the Coastal Cordillera, several fault and mega-fault systems oriented NNW-SSE characterise this region. Induction arrows point SE, thus deviated from the expected direction about pointing away of the ocean. Dimensionality analysis indicates 2-D regional structure with a remarkable strong current channelling. The local azimuth - by minimisation of the diagonal tensor elements - ranges between -20 and 10 deg. in the Coast, directions which are nearly parallel to the coast line - approx. N-S. When the impedance is rotated in the local azimuth, the phases of the approx. N-S E-field component increase with period reaching values of almost 180 deg. A tensor decomposition by a complex distortion matrix allows to detect the direction of the local structure -if strong current channelling is present- as well as the estimation of the regional responses in the regional coordinate system, iff telluric and magnetic distortion effects are galvanic. In this way, data are corrected from distorted phases over 90 deg. and can be considered for a 3-D modelling of the whole region, from the ocean until the Western Altiplano. In the centre of the study area, data are characterised as 3-D and also phases over 90 after rotating in the local azimuth are seen. This distortion is related with inductive effects probably associated with known mega-fault systems. In the model, these are traced as 3-D conductors reaching depths of 35 km. 8.48p THE APPLICATION OF LINEAR AND NONLINEAR SENSITIVITY STUDIES ON A TWO-DIMENSIONAL CONDUCTIVITY MODEL FROM THE CENTRAL ANDES Katrin Schwalenberg GFZ Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany Katrin@gfz-potsdam.de Due to nonlinearity and ill-posedness the discrete inversion of magnetotelluric data is a nonunique instable problem. To stabilize the inversion process one has to consider regularization terms in the objective function. We use the 2-D inversion code from R. Mackie, were an optional first or second order difference operator is considered leading to smooth models, i.e. finding a minimum structure model. Because of the infinite degree of freedom the inverted model can only be one possible solution among others. To find alternative models we carried out linear and nonlinear sensitivity studies. The former implies the visualization of the sensitivity matrix itself. Applying suitable weightings to the derivatives the illustrations represent the induction space. This approach is only valid in a small environment of the final model. In the nonlinear domain, we can check special features in the model by forward modeling or incorporate them as a priori information in the inversion, where the algorithm is forced to find a solution close to the a priori model. So, the combination of inversion, forward modeling, inspection of the sensitivity matrix and a priori information increases the chance of finding reliable models and helps in the geological interpretation. 8.49p CONDUCTIVITY ANOMALIES AS MARKERS OF CRUSTAL REACTIVATION - AN EXAMPLE FROM THE DAMARA BELT IN NAMIBIA Oliver Ritter, Ute Weckmann, Tim Vietor, and Volker Haak GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany oritter@gfz-potsdam.de We report on results of a study combining surface geological and high resolution aeromagnetic investigations with deep magnetotelluric (MT) profiling in the Damara Belt of Namibia. The Pan-african Damara crust was intruded by mafic dikes and intrusive ring complexes prior to continental breakup in the early Cretaceous. High-resolution aeromagnetic data reveal a concentration of dikes, termed the Hentjies Bay-Outjo Dike swarm (HOD) which extends some 300 km NE from the Atlantic to the edge of the Congo Craton. Broadband magnetotelluric and GDS data were recorded in two field experiments at 107 sites in 1998 and 1999. This paper is concerned with the interpretation of a subset of sites aligned along a 200 km long profile which crosses major Damara zone boundaries, the HOD, and the Van Zijl and de Beer conductivity belt. We show two-dimensional inversion results, discuss the validity of the 2D approach and assess the robustness of the derived models. The results indicate a very resistive upper crust which is typical for the granites and metasediments of the Damara belt. In the area of the HOD, the MT profile unravels a high conductive lower crust and two subvertical conductors in the middle crust which coincide with the location of fault zones. Rock samples found at the faults indicate that subvertical conductors are caused by graphite enrichment along shear zones. The correspondence of conductivity anomalies and high dike concentration marks a tectonically weakened crust with a high concentration of faults which in turn controlled the emplacement of melts in the Cretaceous. 8.50p MAGNETOTELLURIC STUDIES ACROSS THE INDUS TSANGPO AND SHYOK SUTURE ZONES IN THE NW HIMALAYAN REGION S. G. Gokarn, C. K. Rao, C. Selvaraj, and Gautam Gupta Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Colaba, Mumbai 400 005 India gokarn@iig.iigm.res.in Magnetotelluric studies were conducted across the Indus Tsangpo suture and the Shyok suture in the NW Himalayas. Data collected at 15 stations in this region indicated a predominantly two dimensional structure. The regional strike direction could be constrained to N40E using Groom Bailey tensor decomposition and is in good agreement with the regional direction of the various tectonic elements in this region. The rotated response functions were inverted using the Rodi and Mackie two dimensional inversion scheme. The geoelectric structure shows three high resistivity bodies in shallow depths, the first on the SW corresponds to the exposure of the Tso-Morari Crystalline complexes and extends to depths of about 15 km. The second resistive body corresponds to the Ladakh batholith and is separated from the Tso-Morari Crystalline complexes by the Indus Tsangpo suture. Further NE, the third resistive body is located in the region of the Chushul Batholith separated from the Ladakh batholith by Shyok suture. Both sutures were associated with high conductivity of 20-50 ohm- m. The Indus Tsangpo suture was mapped as a NE down-dipping conductive zone with resistivity of 20-50 ohm-m up to depth of 25 km. Further NE, it becomes sub-horizontal below the Ladakh and Chushul batholiths and seems to correspond to the subducting oceanic crust. The deeper signatures of the Shyok suture were not clear from the MT studies. 8.51p CONDUCTIVITY STRUCTURE OF THE BANGONG SUTURE ZONE, CENTRAL TIBET, FROM INDEPTH-III MAGNETOTELLURIC DATA Kurt D. Solon(1), A.G. Jones(2), K.D. Nelson(1), and M.J. Unsworth(3) (1) Department of Earth Sciences, 204 Heroy Geology Laboratory, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York 13244, USA (2) Geological Survey of Canada, 615 Booth Street, Room 218, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E9 Canada (3) University of Washington Geophysics Program, Box 351650, Seattle, WA 98195-1650, USA kdsolon@syr.edu As part of the collaborative and ongoing efforts of project INDEPTH, both broadband and long period magnetotelluric data were collected from July to August 1998 along a 400 km north- south profile in central Tibet. The profile crosses the Bangong Suture, which is the principal terrane boundary within the central Tibetan Plateau and coincides with marked south-to-north changes in the seismological properties of the plateau lithosphere. Tensor distortion analyses were applied to the MT data from the sites around the suture in order to determine dimentionality and derive regional geoelectric strike direction and regional MT response functions. These analyses suggest that the regional electrical structure is two-dimensional to periods of 5,000 seconds, with a strike direction of 095. This strike direction corresponds well with the surficial geological strike in this region. Two-dimensional inversions, Mackie 2D, of the MT data show the following first-order features. 1 The regional midcrustal conductor sensed previously in the southern Tibetan Plateau continues into the central plateau, with its top at depths of 15-20 km beneath the suture zone. 2 The Bangong Suture coincides with a 40 km wide, sub-vertical, conductive zone/s which extends upward from the regional midcrustal conductor to the near surface. This zone of conductivity is spatially coincident with a measured low seismic velocity zone, mapped strike-slip faults as well as geothermal activity. 3 Deeper in the crust, beneath the suture, a very conductive zone is sensed at depth of 30-40 km. 8.52p DEEP ELECTRIC STRUCTURES IN HUNAN-HUBEI AREA AND ITS TECTONIC IMPLICATIONS Sun Jie, Jin Guangwen, Wang Jijun, Tang Ji, and Liu Tiesheng Institute of Geology, China Seismological Bureau, Beijing 100029, P. R. China sj66@eq-igl.ac.cn The study area is located in the southeastern part of Yangtze Block (South China Block). It is tectonically bounded on the north by Qinling fold belt and South China fold belt on the south. The area has undergone multi-phase tectonic movements and displays considerably complex geologic structures. MT field data collection was performed using GMS-05 equipment from Metronics. The frequency band is 8000Hz-4096s. In data processing several techniques, such as Swift decomposition, Bahr decomposition and Robust enhancement method were employed. Smith and Booker's fast relaxation method was used in two-dimensional inversion. Combining the regional geological and other geophysical data, integrative geological and geophysical interpretations for the deep structures in the area have been made. This paper deals mainly with deep electric structures and their tectonic implications. (1) The uppermost part along the measurement profile is the basement of upper Proterozoic complex. The shallow electric layer, consisting of sedimentary and igneous rocks, is in good agreement with regional geological data. (2) The basement rocks in the study area are laterally inhomogeneous. The basement occurs at depth of 3-5 km in the northern part of the area is highly resistive while in the southern part beneath the Wuling uplift, where the basement deepens up to 7-10 km, is moderate resistivity and moderate conductive. It well reflects that the basement is characterized by a transition from deep metamorphic to shallow metamorphic facies. In the Jiangnan block-fault zone in the southernmost of the study area a highly resistive block with resistivity higher than 2000O m occurs obviously. These features are the important discoveries from the MT soundings. (3) In Jiangnan block-fault zone, a 1-1.5 km thick regional low resistive layer is firstly found over the upper Proterozoic basement. It rakes from southeast to northwest and was inferred to be a weathering layer or the lower part of Sinian system on the top of the basement. It may be a tectonic decolement formed by the latter tectonism. (4) The deep electric structures indicate that two highly conductive layers are discontinuously developed in the crust and upper mantle along the profile and their occurrence depth is about 21-43 km and 90-100 km, respectively. They tend to gradually uplift from northwest to southeast and vary smoothly. It means that the Yangtze block is a relatively stable block. Meanwhile, the variation of the depth of the highly conductive layers in the crust and upper mantle beneath the Jiangnan block-fault zone indicates the inhomogeneities beneath the area. Our MT study provides a new knowledge on the deep structure of Jiangnan block-fault zone, the collision-transition zone between two large tectonic blocks, the Yangtze platform and South China fold belt. It suggests that the Jiangnan block-fault zone (at least in the study area) is not a nappe structure, but a tectonic uplift zone formed compositely by multi-phase tectonic movements. 8.53p DEEP ELECTRICAL STRUCTURE BENEATH TIANSHAN MOUNTAIN OROGENIC BELT AND THE VICINITY Guoze Zhao, Yan Zhan, Ji Tang, and Junmeng Zhao Institute of Geology, China Seismological Bureau, Beijing 100029, China zhaogz@public.bta.net.cn Tianshan orogenic zone is one of the youngest with less than 20 Ma and highest with elevation greater than 7000 m orogenic zones in the world. There is a well-known seismotectonic belt. Some important mineral resources are developed. Two large hydrocarbon-rich basins, Junggar basin and Tarim Basin are located to it's north and south respectively. Magnetotelluric measurement as one of important parts of synthetic geologic and geophysical investigation has been carried out recently. The MT sites distributed along a profile about 700 km and oriented approximately N-S in western Xinjiang Autonomous Region, which stretched from the middle of Tianshan Mountain in the south, through the Junggar basin , ending in the Artai mountains at the north end. Another profile is located to the south of Tianshan mountain. Impedance tensor decomposition and 2-D inversion methods have been used for data interpretation. Electrical structure of the crust and lithosphere beneath two profiles are obtained. The thickness of lithosphere for Tianshan fold system is about 160 km that is greater than those in both sides to north and to south. A zone with a marked conductivity gradient inclined to the north appears at a depth of about 50 km at the south end of the first profile, which can be compared with the electrical structure beneath southern profile. 8.54p THE ELECTRICAL STRUCTURE BENEATH WUDALIANCHI VOLCANIC CLUSTER AND ITS COMPARISON WITH THAT BENEATH TIANCHI VOLCANO IN NORTHEAST CHINA Yan Zhan, Guoze Zhao, Fei Xuan, Ji Tang, and Denghai Bai Institute of Geology, China Seismological Bureau, Beijing 100029, China zhaogz@public.bta.net.cn Wudalianchi volcanic cluster in northern part of North-East China consists of 14 cones. The last eruption of the volcanoes was in the year of 1719 to 1721. MT measurement are recently carried out at 71 sites along 3 EW profiles and 4 NS profiles in the volcanic cluster and the vicinity to study the magma chamber and deep structure. The distribution of real part of magnetic induction arrows at most of MT sites shows that there is a resistive body beneath the cluster in the upper crust and a lower resistivity body in the deeper depth in upper mantle. The 2-D inversion results by RRI method for EW profiles show that there is a high resistivity body like rivet form from surface to about 20 km depth. The width of the body in EW direction for depth less than 5 km is about 20 km. The width for the lower part of the body is less than 10 km. The tip of the rivet body extends continuosly down to several tens kilometers and resistivity decreased with increasing depth. It is postulated that a high resistivity body is a cooling magma chamber. A passage of magma exited in the deeper depth. The crust electrical structure beneath Tianchi volcano in eastern margin of Jilin province has been also studied recently. It is found that there is low resistivity body appeared at depth of about 15 km, which is suggested as magma chamber. 8.55p MAGNETOTELLURIC INVESTIGATION IN A SHALLOW SEISMICALLY ACTIVE AREA: A CASE STUDY IN THE NORTHERN MIYAGI PREFECTURE, JAPAN Yuji Mituhata(1), Yasuo Ogawa(2), Masaaki Mishina(3), and Toshihiro Uchida(2) (1) University of British Columbia (2) Geological Survey of Japan (3) Tohoku University yuji@geop.ubc.ca Seismic activity in inland is almost confined to the upper crust, which can damage heavily. This confined distribution of earthquakes may be explained by the existence of active faults and related free water, and the brittle-ductile transition. We believe a resistivity structure provided by magnetotelluric investigation will be useful to interpret the existence and relationship of them in shallow seismically active area. The northern part of Miyagi Prefecture is one of most seismically active areas. In this area, the 1962 Northern Miyagi Earthquake(M6.5) occurred. Many shallow earthquakes occur in and around the area since it. We carried out magnetotelluric surveys in 1993, 1998 and 2000 in this area. Results of the 1993 survey show that there is a large resistive block on the west side of the area and we can see a resistivity discontinuity under it. The distribution of the resistive block is consistent with a high gravity anomalous zone. Besides, the resistivity discontinuity almost agrees with the hypocenter distribution of microearthquakes. The data collected in 1998 and 2000 support this resistivity structure and provide a more detailed and reliable resistivity structure. 8.56p INTERPRETATION OF THE RESISTIVITY STRUCTURE OF THE ASO CALDERA, CENTRAL KYUSHU, JAPAN, INFERRED FROM A MAGNETOTELLURIC SURVEY Shinichi Takakura(1), Takeshi Hashimoto(2), Katsuaki Koike(3), and Yasuo Ogawa(1) (1) Geological Survey of Japan, Japan (2) Kyoto University, Japan (3) Kumamoto University, Japan shin@gsj.go.jp Magnetotelluric survey was carried out along two NNE-SSW profiles traversing at the Aso caldera with a number of central cones. The purpose of this survey was to investigate the deep hydrothermal system including the geothermal source in the caldera. The analyzed resistivity sections of the two lines were almost same and were consistent with the resistivity logging data of the nearby exploratory test wells which were drilled to deeper than 1 km. The caldera is basically interpreted as a two-layer structure, an upper conductive layer and a lower resistive layer. The conductive layer corresponds to the caldera deposits. A very conductive zone appears at the surface of the hot spring. The low resistivity may be due to hot water or clay minerals that were produced by the geothermal alteration. The high resistivity layer correlates well with the basement interpreted from gravity, which reflects pre-Tertiary basement rocks or granitic rocks. However the upper part of the basement is relatively conductive around the central cones, indicating the fractures with geothermal fluid are present in the basement. An upheaval of the resistive layer like a resurgent dome is shown beneath the central cones. There are no conductors that correspond to magma at least to a depth of 10 km. 8.57p MAGNETOTELLURIC IMAGING OF DEEP STRUCTURE OF ACTIVE FAULTS IN NE JAPAN Yasuo Ogawa(1), Masaaki Mishina(2), Tadanori Goto(3), Hideyuki Satoh(4), Naoto Oshiman(5), Yukie Takahashi(6), Tadashi Nishitani(6), Makoto Uyeshima(7), Yoshimori Honkura(8), and Masaki Matsushima(8) (1) Geological Survey of Japan, Japan (2) Tohoku University, Aoba, Sendai, Japan (3) Aichi Univ. Educ., Kariya, Aichi, Japan (4) Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, Japan (5) DRRI, Kyoto Univ., Uji, Kyoto, Japan (6) Akita Univ., Akita, Japan (7) ERI, Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (8) Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan oga@gsj.go.jp Deep resistivity structure of active faults around the backbone ranges of NE Japan was investigated by wide-band magnetotellurics. NE Japan is a typical island arc and the study area is currently under compression tectonics. The thrust fault systems on both sides of the backbone ranges are believed to help pop-up the mountain block. We had 40 MT sites in total which were aligned on a 90 km E-W profile running across the mountain range. We had up to 11 simultaneous measurements using GPS synchronization. Two-dimensionality with regional strike was supported by tensor decompositions in the period range 1-1000 s. After removing telluric distortions, two-dimensional inversion with static shift was carried out. A model using TM mode showed the following features. Dipping conductive zones corresponding to the extension of the known thrust faults. Resistive zones which have high seismicity, and conductive anomalies at the root of the active faults. 8.58p SENSITIVITY OF MT FOR DETECTING 3D ANOMALY INDUCED BY SALT-DOME UNDER THE OIL FIELDS Tateyuki Negi and Hitoshi Okamura Japan National Oil Corporation, 2-2, Hamada 1Chome Mihama-ku Chiba- shi, Chiba 261-0025, Japan negi-t@jnoc.co.jp Sensitivity study of MT was conducted in order to detect 3D resistivity anomaly induced by salt-dome under oil fields. Salt-dome is assumed as super high resistivity anomalous body located in low resistivity carbonate sediment layers. 3D MT forward modelings were carried out for several resistivity background layer conditions and shapes and depths of salt-dome. The background conditions were homogeneous and 2 layer structures. The models of salt- dome, rising up from the basin bottom, was conditioned into 3 cases of width, 3 cases of depth and 3 cases of resistivity models. As a result, in the case of homogeneous background, the salt- dome is detectable when the depth of salt-dome is shallower than the twice of its width. In the case of two layer conditions, the detectability of salt-dome anomaly decreases when the resistivity of shallower layer is relatively lower than that of deeper layer. But, it increases when the resistivity of shallower layer is relatively higher than that of deeper layer. Furthermore, the detectability does not so depend on the resistivity contrast between the layers and the salt- dome, but between each of the layers. 8.59p AN ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY STRUCTURE OBTAINED BY STATIONARY WIDE-BAND MT SYSTEM Kiyoshi Fuji-ta(1) and Satoshi Fujiwara(2) (1) Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Science, Kobe University, Japan (2) Mizusawa Geodetic Observatories, Geographical Survey Institute, Japan fuji-ta@kobe-u.ac.jp A stationary magnetotelluric system is settled at the Mizusawa Geodetic Observatories of Geographical Survey Institute in NE- Japan. Since 1996, continuous of 24 hours resistivity and phase data have been acquired by wide band MT measurement devices. In order to get accurate data, remote reference station, Esashi observatories which is located about 20 km away from the Mizusawa is utilized. Both of data are processed by the remote reference technique to minimize the effect of local noises. We also stacked a large number of cross power spectrum and reprocessed. Although data quality at Mizusawa is sometimes poor, the above mentioned treatments improved MT data. As the result, extremely stable apparent resistivity and phase curves were obtained. Not only we evaluated the stability of apparent resistivity and phase data, but also the resistivity structure of NE-Japan was estimated using various kinds of modelling procedures. Modelling suggests anomalous layers which may represent an anisotropic or regional discontinuous structure around NE-Japan. 8.60p INVERSION OF THE COPROD-2S SYNTHETIC DATA SETS Ivan Varentsov and Natalia Baglaenko Geoelectromagnetic Research Institute RAS, 142090, P.O.B. 30, Troitsk, Russia igemi1@pop.transit.ru We present geoelectric models resolved for two COPROD-2S data sets. The first data set consists of noise-free apparent resistivity and phase responses for both modes and magnetic tipper estimates in the model with a set of descending conductive bricks. The second one is simulated for the flexure-type structure with the same data components, but now with different noise effects, including strong outliers and static shifts. The robust inversion scheme for piece-wise continuous media (Golubev, Varentsov, 1998; Varentsov, 1999) is applied in 1D and 2D implementations. The inversion solution includes the following steps: (i) the determination of the normal (background) section, containing left and right 1D models with fixed number of layers and thicknesses; (ii) the location of windows with anomalous resistivity structure; (iii) the joint optimization of the anomalous structure parameters and the normal section resistivities. Primarily, we apply 1D inversion in the multi-site mode for the apparent resistivity and phase data at the profile edges. The same approach gives the very first idea of the anomalous structure. The main tool to select proper windows with anomalous conductivity is the 2D inversion with vertical 1D finite function (FF) parametrization. At the last stage, at first, we continue to use 2D inversion with FF parametrization, but with 2D functions. This is the right moment for the static shift correction, based on the formal selection of sites with the systematic apparent resistivity misfit in the whole period range. Then, the most detailed parametrization scheme with pseudo-correlated resistivity cells is applied to resolve details. Geophysicists dealing with the MT inversion problems in 2D formulation are invited to verify their tools using COPROD-2S data sets. The project materials are available at the MTNET and at http:\\user.transit.ru\~igemi\c_2s_p0.htm 8.61p RESULTS OF THE COMDAT COMPARATIVE STUDY OF MT PROCESSING TECHNIQUES Elena Sokolova and Ivan Varentsov Geoelectromagnetic Research Institute RAS, 142090, P.O.B. 30, Troitsk, Russia igemi3@pop.transit.ru We give the status information on the developments in the COMDAT project, organized to compare MT processing tools on the basis of specially designed synthetic time series with known impedance structure (Sokolova, Varentsov, 1998). The examples of successful processing of two COMDAT data sets (one noise-free and another with sufficient noise level) are presented. Our own results for these tests are discussed in details. Geophysicists dealing with the MT processing problems are invited to verify their tools using COMDAT data sets. The project materials are available at http:\\user.transit.ru\~igemi\cmdt_p0.htm.