KAP04 LMT Time Series Data
SAMTEX station map
The Kaapvaal 2004 (KAP04) long period 5-component magnetotelluric time series data available for download consists of the time series from thirteen simultaneously recording long period sites distributed in a NE-SE/NW-SE cross in the eastern part of the Kaapvaal Craton (shown on map above in blue) recorded using GSC LIMS systems and Phoenix LRMT clones in October 2004 as part of the SAMTEX project. The data are in (zip compressed) TS ASCII format, and are 5 second sampling for around a month at each site. The sites are numbered with site KAP301 closest to the coast, with approximately 60 km between sites.
These data are heavily contaminated by DC signals both from the two DC train lines running from Durban to Johannesburg, and also these DC signals are transmitted along the NW-SE pipeline from Durban to Johannesburg. We currently do not have usable MT transfer functions from any of these data.
The data are in GEOMAGNETIC co-ordinates.
The only instrument response that has to be considered are the nominally 30,000s 2-pole Butterworth high-pass filters on the electric channels. These filters can easily be corrected in the frequency domain, either to the spectra or to the response estimates. (Note: Correct values will be entered here and in the hardware.kap file if found)
Their locations coordinates, recording times, instrument numbers and 30,000s -3dB periods are:-
Station | Latitude | Longitude | Recording time | Instrument | 30,000s Ex, Ey |
KAP301 | -28.92 | 30.84 | 2004-10-01 15:00:00 - 2004-11-02 07:24:09 | 059 | 30002, 29939 |
KAP307 | -28.31 | 29.89 | 2004-10-02 16:00:00 - 2004-11-02 13:00:29 | 003 | 30000, 30000 |
KAP310 | -27.99 | 29.40 | 2004-10-03 13:00:00 - 2004-11-03 08:53:19 | 060 | 29845, 29939 |
KAP313 | -27.66 | 28.94 | 2004-10-04 13:30:00 - 2004-11-03 11:40:24 | 019 | 30000, 30000 |
KAP316 | -27.34 | 28.44 | 2004-10-05 14:00:00 - 2004-11-03 14:03:14 | 064 | 30065, 29908 |
KAP319 | -27.02 | 27.99 | 2004-10-06 11:00:00 - 2004-11-04 07:53:09 | 058 | 29750, 29845 |
KAP501 | -28.32 | 28.22 | 2004-10-07 11:30:00 - 2004-11-04 06:24:44 | 004 | 30000, 30000 |
KAP504 | -27.91 | 28.63 | 2004-10-08 14:00:00 - 2004-11-03 10:04:54 | 052 | 29971, 29971 |
KAP508 | -27.42 | 29.20 | 2004-10-09 10:00:00 - 2004-11-03 07:31:49 | 053 | 30034, 30128 |
KAP511 | -27.04 | 29.61 | 2004-10-09 15:00:00 - 2004-11-02 13:32:34 | 067 | 29908, 29971 |
KAP513 | -26.78 | 29.93 | 2004-10-10 11:00:00 - 2004-11-02 11:07:19 | 056 | 30096, 29845 |
KAP516 | -26.40 | 30.35 | 2004-10-11 11:00:00 - 2004-11-02 07:32:44 | 068 | 30002, 30065 |
KAP519 | -26.03 | 30.77 | 2004-10-11 16:00:00 - 2004-11-01 13:31:24 | 063 | 29908, 29908 |
If you download these data and present or publish them, you are obliged to acknowledge the SAMTEX Consortium as their source. The relevant reference is the SAMTEX overview paper by Jones et al. (2009):Jones, A.G., R.L. Evans, M.R. Muller, M.P. Hamilton, M.P. Miensopust, X. Garcia, P. Cole, T. Ngwisanyi, D. Hutchins, C.J.S Fourie, H. Jelsma, T. Aravanis, W. Pettit, S. Webb, J. Wasborg, and The SAMTEX Team, 2009.
Area selection for diamonds using magnetotellurics: Examples from southern Africa.
Lithos, 112S, 83-92, doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2009.06.011. [PDF]
and the Acknowledgements in that paper list all financial and logistical supporters.
Download data and files
The TS ASCII formatted data are stored in zip compression.
- Download KAP301 data
- Download KAP307 data
- Download KAP310 data
- Download KAP313 data
- Download KAP316 data
- Download KAP319 data
- Download KAP501 data
- Download KAP504 data
- Download KAP508 data
- Download KAP511 data
- Download KAP513 data
- Download KAP516 data
- Download KAP519 data
- Download all KAP04 data
- A file containing the window information for each site
- A file containing the hardware information for each instrument
Published papers using KAP04 long period dataset
There are currently no papers published using these data. If you use these data in a publication, please inform Alan Jones so that it can added to the list below.