- [EM Induction Workshops]
- [MT Data Interpretation Workshops]
- [3D MT Inversion Workshops]
- [3D EM ("Gerry Hohmann") Workshops]
EM Induction Workshops
- 1st Workshop: Edinburgh, Scotland, 1972
- 2nd Workshop: Ottawa, Canada, 1974
- Workshop photograph (754 Kb) (Thanks to Volker Haak and Oliver Ritter)
- 3rd Workshop: Sopron, Hungary, 1976
- 4th Workshop: Murnau, Germany, 1978
- Workshop photograph (215 Kb)
- 5th Workshop: Istanbul, Turkey, 1980
- 6th Workshop: Victoria, Canada, 1982
- Workshop photograph (447 Kb)
- 7th Workshop: Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 1984
- Workshop photograph (361 Kb)
- 8th Workshop: Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1986
- 9th Workshop: Sochi, Russia, 1988
- Workshop photograph (136 Kb)
- 10th Workshop: Ensenada, Mexico, 1990
During the Workshop Dinner a special presentation was made to Rosemary Hutton, Ian Gough and Dudley Parkinson to celebrate their retirement and their contributions to induction. For photographs please go to the photos page.
- 11th Workshop: Wellington, New Zealand, 1992
- 12th EM Induction Workshop: Brest, France, 1994
- 13th EM Induction Workshop: Onuma, Hokkaido, Japan, 1996
- Workshop photograph (238 Kb)
- 14th EM Induction Workshop: Sinaia, Romania, 1998
- 15th EM Induction Workshop: Cabo Frio, Brazil, 2000 (web pages hosted by MTNet)
- Workshop photograph (740 Kb) (Thanks to Hiroaki Toh)
- Problems to address: A list from Session 9 discussion
- 16th EM Induction Workshop: Santa Fe, USA, 17-22 June, 2002
- Pre-workshop educational workshop: 14-16 June, 2002
- 17th EM Induction Workshop: Hyderabad, India, 18-23 October, 2004
- Workshop Extended Abstracts
- Workshop Report
- Workshop photograph (298 Kb) (Thanks to Hari)
- 18th EM Induction Workshop: El Vendrell, Spain, 17-23 September, 2006
- 19th EM Induction Workshop: Beijing, China, 23-29 October, 2008
- 20th EM Induction Workshop: Giza, Egypt, 18-24 September, 2010 (web pages hosted by MTNet)
- 21st EM Induction Workshop: Darwin, Australia, 25-31 July, 2012
- 22nd EM Induction Workshop: Weimar, Germany, 24-30 August, 2014
- 23rd EM Induction Workshop: Chiang Mai, Thailand, 14-20 August, 2016.
- 24th EM Induction Workshop: Turkey, Location and Dates TBD, 2018
- 25th EM Induction Workshop 2020: Proposals to be made at the 23rd EM Induction Workshop in 2016
- etc.
Workshop photos and other memorabilia
Rosemary Hutton's 1990 Retrospective
MT Data Interpretation Workshops
- MT-DIW1: Wellington, 1992
- MT-DIW2: Cambridge, 1994
- MT-DIW3: Tsukuba, 1996 - Presentations took place during the Onuma workshop
- MT-DIW4: Sinaia, 1998
- MT-DIW5: Rio de Janiero, 2000
3D MT Inversion Workshops
- 1st MT 3D Inversion workshop, Dublin, Ireland, 12-14 March, 2008
- 2nd MT 3D Inversion workshop, Dublin, Ireland, 30 March 1 April, 2011
- 3rd MT 3D Inversion workshop, Bari , Italy, 16-18 May, 2016
3D EM ("Gerry Hohmann") Workshops
These are organized under the auspices of the Gerald W Hohmann Memorial Trust- 3DEM-1 workshop, Ridgefield, Connecticut, USA, 1995
- Proceedings published by the SEG: Three Dimensional Electromagnetics, Editors: Michael Oristaglio, Brian Spies, SEG Catalog No. 127E, DOI: 10.1190/1.9781560802154, 724 pages, 1999.
- 3DEM-2 workshop, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, October, 1999
- 3DEM-3 workshop, Adelaide, Australia, 20-21 February, 2003
- 3DEM-4 workshop, Freiberg, Germany, 27-30 September, 2007
- 3DEM-5 workshop, Sapporo, Japan, 7-9 October, 2011
- 3DEM-7 workshop, To be held in Berkeley, USA, 2017
- 3DEM-8 workshop, No location - offers sought, 2021