Onuma EM Induction Workshop
July 12 - 18, 1996

The thirteenth EM Induction Workshop took place from 12th to 18th of July, at the Onuma International Seminar House on the island of Hokkaido, Japan.
The Onuma International Seminar House is located in a forest near Lake Onuma, which was created by the eruption of Komagatake Volcano, in Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan. Onuma was selected as one of the most beautiful three landscapes in Japan, and in 1958 it was designated as a quasi-national park. The Local Organizing Committee and the Local Town Office welcome all the participants in an atmosphere embraced by nature.
The timetable was:-
7/11 Arrival
12-13 Sessions
14 Events (with Local Town Office)
15 Excursion (Usu Volcano, Mori Geothermal Power Plant)
16-18 Sessions
19 Departure
Hosts and sponsors for the workshop:-
- IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics)
- IAGA (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy)
- ILP (International Lithosphere Program)
- Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS)
- Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan (SEGJ)
- Geothermal Research Society of Japan
- Ministry of Education, Science, Sport and Culture
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- Association for the Development of Earthquake Prediction
- National Science Foundation (U.S.)
- Terra Scientific Publishing Company
- Geothermal Research and Development Co. Ltd. (GERD)
- Nittetsu Mining Consultants Co. Ltd.
- Tierra Technica
- Phoenix Geophysics
- Japan Crust Research (JCR)
- Sumiko Consultants Co. Ltd.
- Bishimetal Exploration Co. Ltd.
- Oyo Corporation
- Hokko-Georesearch Company (HGC)
- Meisei Electric Co. Ltd.
- Geotools Corporation
- Daiwa Exploration and Consulting Co. Ltd.
- Electromagnetic Instruments, Inc. (EMI)
- Dowa Engineering
- Nikko Exploration and Development Co. Ltd. (NED)
- Mitsui Mineral Development Engineering Co. Ltd. (MINDECO)
- Nippon ENginnering Consultants Co. Ltd.
- Chiba Electric Research
- Yokohama Electronic Lab.
- JMC Geothermal Engineering Co. Ltd.
Scientific Sessions
- Applications of electromagnetic methods for geothermal exploration
[Reviewer: Toshi Uchida, GSJ: uch@gsjrstn.gsj.go.jp] - Electrical and magnetic approaches to seismic and volcanic activity studies
[Reviewer: Malcolm Johnston, USGS: mal@thebeach.wr.usgs.gov] - Electromagnetic contributions to oceanic studies
- Electrical properties from the laboratory to the field scales: anisotropy, heterogeneity, and dispersion effects
- Electromagnetic imaging techniques
[Reviewer: Niels B. Christensen, University of Aarhus: geofnbc@aau.dk] - Mantle and global induction studies
- Emerging techniques in processing, modelling and inversion
- Paradigm shifts resulting from electromagnetic studies
- Local and regional electromagnetic studies [Poster session]
- Other contributions
Programme Committee
Committee positions:- Y Honkura T Uchida A G Jones P Tarits P Tarits Members-at-large:- H Toh Y Ogawa A Raiche G Jiracek A Chave |
Chairman, Local Organizing Committee Co-Chairman, Local Organizing Committee Chairman, Working Group Co-Chairman, Working Group Chairman, Past Local Organizing Committee Japan Japan, MT-DIW3 liaison Australia U.S.A., NSF funding liaison U.S.A. |
Downloadable posters....
- Download poster for workshop (in PostScript format) (275 kB)
- Download poster for workshop (in tiff format) (178 kB)
- Download auxiliary poster for workshop (in PostScript format) (156 kB)
- Download poster for workshop (in tiff format) (106 kB)