Dr. Louise Pellerin: - 23 March, 2023
MTNet Email from David Alumbaugh: 24 March 2023
It is with great sadness that I am informing you all about the passing of my good friend and geophysicist Louise Pellerin on Thursday, March 23, from pancreatic cancer.
Louise had a long and productive career in electromagnetic geophysics, and was a trailblazer for women in this field with her career starting as part of a field crew before attending graduate school at the University of Utah where she was the first female to graduate with a PhD degree at that institution in electromagnetic geophysics. This was followed by several years in government research at the USGS and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, and then over the last 20 years or so splitting her time between education as a teacher and co-lead of the Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE) field program, serving in various board and leadership positions for both the SEG and AGU, and of course, running her company Green Geophysics.
Louise was also instrumental in the resurgence of the Bay Area Geophysical Society, serving as secretary while I was president from 2014-2017, and it was her hard work and diligence that not only helped establish the website and being able to pay membership dues online via PayPal, but also generating the paperwork and routing it through the IRS and State of California Franchise Tax Board that established BAGS as a non-profit 403c organization.
Her husband Jeff told me that she left us early Thursday morning the way she wanted to; in peace and free of pain. I feel blessed that I got to see her one last time to say goodbye the night before. I will miss her.
With sadness
David Alumbaugh
Comments/reminiscences from Lu's former colleagues and friends
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