REBOCC MT inversion is now available for download
What is REBOCC?
REBOCC is an inversion program for 2-D Magnetotelluric (MT) data. REBOCC stands for REduced Basis OCCam's Inversion. It is based on an efficient variant on the OCCAM algorithm of deGroot-Hedlin and Constable (1990).
Currently, REBOCC can invert apparent resistivity and phase of TM and TE modes, as well as the real and imaginary parts of the vertical magnetic transfer function (TP) -the ratio between the vertical magnetic field and the horizontal magnetic field.
Why uses REBOCC?
- FastNumerical experiments (Siripunvaraporn and Egbert, 1999) show that the speed of REBOCC is competitive with RRI (Smith and Booker, 1991), generally faster than NLCG (Rodi and Mackie, 1999), and significantly faster than OCCAM (deGroot-Hedlin and Constable, 1990).
- Stable REBOCC converges more reliably than some approximate inversions.
- Moderate memory requirement - Large data sets can be inverted with REBOCC. It has been tested on a Sun UltraSparc I (with 288 Megabytes of RAM) on a very large problem: joint inversion of 55 stations, 41 periods and 2 responses for TM mode, 37 stations, 41 periods and 2 response for TE mode and 15 stations, 41 periods and 2 response for TP data (or total number of data = 8774) and total number of model parameter of 14800(74 X 200).
- Easy to use - Default options and keywords (provided for input parameters), generally, work well. We also provide a user manual. The program is written entirely in standard FORTRAN 77.Compilation with any standard Fortran compiler should be straightforward. To date REBOCC has been tested and run on Sun workstations running Solaris and IBMs running AIX.
What is the condition on using REBOCC inversion?
REBOCC is freely available for academic use. It cannot be used for any commercial purposes without written permission from the authors.
Update and bug fixed?
If you download the program, please send your name and email address to wsiripun@oce.orst.edu or egbert@oce.orst.edu so that we can put your name into an update and bug report list.
Where to download?
The program can be downloaded via anonymous ftp at
ftp.oce.orst.edu in /pub/wsiripun/rebocc
or point your browser to ftp://ftp.oce.orst.edu/pub/wsiripun/rebocc
and click at the file to download.rebocc.tar.gz is for gzipped source.
rebocc.tar.Z is for compressed source.
Note that if you can not find the directory, please contact the authors directly for the new location.
How to install the program?
After downloading the program, at the command line type
gunzip rebocc.tar.gz
uncompress rebocc.tar.Z
This will get rebocc.tar file.Then type
tar xf rebocc.tar
You should get four directories -
- /data/ contains examples of the data input files.
- /docs/ contains documents, including this documentation and a preprint of Siripunvaraporn and Egbert (1999).
- /examples/ contains examples of the startup files.
- /src/ contains Fortran source codes.
Weerachai Siripunvaraporn and Gary Egbert Oregon State University January 29, 1999.