In order to keep us all informed about MT work published, there is a section on the MTNet home page, called Recent EM-related Publications
This is a rolling list of EM/MT published papers for the current year and the previous one. Prior years publications are listed here.
If you have a paper accepted or published in an international journal, please send the information in the below HTML format to the MTNet webmaster, adding the month of publication, and it will be added to the list. To repeat, please remember to add the MONTH of the publication in your email to the MTNet Webmaster.
If you wish, you can optionally link to the paper in the journal.
If you have a PDF version of the paper, you can also link to it. If you do not, please remove those lines from the list. Note: you must host it on your site, only special papers will be hosted on MTNet.
We do not have time to verify your submissions, or correct HTML errors, so please ensure that your formatting is correct, and that the links work, before sending the information. If there are errors, it will not be listed.
Note: Only papers that are published within this year or last year will be put on the MTNet page.
MTNet webmaster
<li><strong><a href="journal link here">
Authors, Year.</a></strong><br/>
<i>Journal</i>, <strong>Volume number</strong>, Page numbers, DOI, etc.
<a href="The Link">PDF</a>
Example with PDF link and journal link:
<li><strong><a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X01005945">
Wu, X., I.J. Ferguson and A.G. Jones, 2002.</a></strong><br/>
Magnetotelluric response and geoelectric structure of the Great Slave Lake shear zone.<br/>
<i>Earth and Planetary Science Letters</i>, <strong>196</strong>, 35-50, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(01)00594-5.
<a href="http://www.geophysics.dias.ie/~ajones/papers/93.pdf">PDF</a>
Example with PDF link but without journal link:
<li><strong>Wu, X., I.J. Ferguson and A.G. Jones, 2002.</strong><br/>
Magnetotelluric response and geoelectric structure of the Great Slave Lake shear zone.<br/>
<i>Earth and Planetary Science Letters</i>, <strong>196</strong>, 35-50, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(01)00594-5.
<a href="http://www.geophysics.dias.ie/~ajones/papers/93.pdf">PDF</a>
Example without PDF or journal links:
<li><strong>Wu, X., I.J. Ferguson and A.G. Jones, 2002</strong><br/>
Magnetotelluric response and geoelectric structure of the Great Slave Lake shear zone<br/>
<i>Earth and Planetary Science Letters</i>, <strong>196</strong>, 35-50, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(01)00594-5.