[IAGA LOGO]  15th EM Induction Workshop   [SBGF LOGO] 

Abstract Submission


Abstract Form

Each abstract must have a maximum of 250 words and include the title, author and affiliation, address, email address and the session for which the paper is intended. Also please indicate if you are applying for Financial Support, your preference for oral or poster presentation, need for any special equipment for oral presentation (double overhead projector, double slide projector, "videogun" to connect laptop), number of boards (1 or 2) necessary in case of poster presentation, and the name of the Presenter.

Electronic Submission

Abstracts should be submitted electronically either via the submission form available at the 15th EM Induction website or by e-mail using ASCII text. Addresses for electronic submissions are:

Web: http://www.dge.inpe.br/fifteen/submission.html

E-mail: fifteen@dge.inpe.br

Other Forms of Submission

Those who find difficulty to send electronically may send via fax or postal mail to:


Antonio L. Padilha                                                                                        c/o 15th Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth                      INPE                                                                                                          C.P. 515                                                                                             12201-970, S.J. Campos, Brazil                                                                 Tel: +55-12-3456807                                                                                 Fax: +55-12-3456810                                                                                E-mail: fifteen@dge.inpe.br

Local Organizing Committee / 20 January 2000 / fifteen@dge.inpe.br                                      Last Update: 10 Mar 2000

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