15th EM Workshop
Online Abstract Submission Form
Deadline for Abstract Submission: 15 May 2000
Title of Paper:
First Author:
Are you applying for Financial Support?
(Note: do not forget to send your request to Pascal Taritz, Chairman of the Financial Support Request Committee)
Second Author(s) and Affiliation(s):
Note: If no affiliation is given, affiliations of other authors are assumed to be the same as the first author.
Please leave a blank line between authors.
Abstract Body:
Note: Do not use metacharacters in the text ( ; < > * & $ # : ` ( ) [ ] ) and leave a blank line between paragraphs.
Is the abstract for any special theme session?
EM1 - Environmental and geotechnical control and investigation with E and EM techniques
EM2 - Applied and fundamental EM and CSMT in ocean studies
EM3 - Studies of the earth's mantle from long-period ground-based and satellite EM data
EM4 - New techniques on tensor decomposition and multidimensional forward modelling
EM5 - EM imaging: inversion and interpretation approaches
EM6 - Case studies of E and EM surveys in natural resources
EM7 - Array EM studies
EM8 - Local and regional electromagnetic studies
EM9 - New instrumental and experimental approaches and results
Presentation Preference:
(we will make every attempt to accommodate your preference)
Oral Presentation
Poster Presentation
No Preference
Special Equipment:
(we will make every attempt to accommodate your preference)
Double Slide Projector
Double Overhead Projector
LCD Projector
Name of Presenter:
Note: we will limit the number of oral presentations per author.
Email of presenter if different than above:
Name of person submitting abstract:
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Last modified: Friday, April 27, 2000