
Publications by Working Group Members:

Publication statistics 10 May 2020

Papers in ISI Web of Science found using the key word "magnetotelluric*".
Note that this does not capture all of the papers in magnetotellurics, but gives a reasonable snapshot for statistical purposes.



MT publications per year:

Publications in MT in years 1960-2020.4

Publications in MT in years 1960-2020.4

MT citations per year:

Citations to MT papers in years 1960-2020.4

Citations to MT papers in years 1960-2020.4

MT papers by category:

Tree Map of categories of MT papers in years 1960-2020.4

Tree Map of categories of MT papers in years 1960-2020.4

Publication statistics 28 July 2019

Papers in ISI Web of Science found using the key word "magnetotelluric*".
Note that this does not capture all of the papers in magnetotellurics, but gives a reasonable snapshot for statistical purposes.



MT publications per year:

Publications in MT in years 1960-2019.5

Publications in MT in years 1960-2019.5

MT citations per year:

Citations to MT papers in years 1960-2019.5

Citations to MT papers in years 1960-2019.5

MT papers by category:

Tree Map of categories of MT papers in years 1960-2019.5

Tree Map of categories of MT papers in years 1960-2019.5

Publication statistics August 12, 2017

Papers in ISI Web of Science found using the key word "magnetotelluric*".
Note that this does not capture all of the papers in magnetotellurics, but gives a reasonable snapshot for statistical purposes.

